Chapter 21

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Morgan was on her own at the workshop. Howard and their parents had gone out. They would be gone for another 4 hours. She did not want to go for a walk. She was trying to create some weapons at the last minute. Howard was too stressed to stay and help. The garage was a mess and she was so occupied she did not know what was happening around her. She did not want anybody die.
She heard a firearm. "I thought they would have stronger security in a house like that" A voice from the shadows said. "Very nice area"
"Who are you?" Morgan asked without turning. At this point she was bored of people hunting them down and wanting to kill them.
"Seriously? Not even now you know who I am. Don't you know my name, Morgan Thompson?" The voice responded.
"No, I don't. Why should I? "Morgan questioned. "You are breaking into my house and you want me to know your name? You are not good at breaking in houses"
"I am your biggest enemy. I have made your life a living hell for the past few months. Now, it's only going to be worse." A girl came out of the shadows. She had red bushy hair and a long nose. She had a smile like she was the devil and her crooked teeth were showing.
Morgan's heart started beating fast. Her eyes widened. "You are Meredith. We meet at last"
"So you know me" Meredith replied with a sarcastic tone.
Morgan was dead serious. She looked Meredith in the eye and said: "Get out of my house"
"I want you to suffer," Meredith said with a creepy giggle.
"A lot of people do Meredith. You are going to make me suffer tomorrow. Let me go." Morgan said and rolled her eyes.
"I am not planning to" She laughed. The gun was aiming Morgan's temple.
"What have I done to you? Why do you want to hurt us?" she questioned.
Meredith seemed heartbroken. Like Morgan's comment bothered her. "I used to be in your lives. All of your lives. I was Kiara's servant. Freya's old neighbor, I was Howard's first crush and Sebastian's best friend. But as it later proved I was not important. I was a rug doll and you got bored of me. I never had a stable life. Always moving away. I ended up in New York, the busiest city in the world, feeling all alone. They told me that I could make you all suffer for my services in exchange."
"Who told you so?" Morgan asked.
"It doesn't matter. I am going to kill you!" Meredith screeched.
Morgan realized something about what Meredith said. "You didn't mention James or me. Why do you want to hurt us? Why do you want to kill me?"
Meredith lowered her gun. She moved closer to Morgan and whispered to her ear. "You are the most important person in my life," Meredith mentioned. "James is taking you away from me. He can't have you"
Morgan flinched. "What are you even talking about? I am sure we have ever met." Morgan said with certainty.
Meredith lowered her head; "You rejected me as your friend because I wasn't cool enough for you. You rejected me as your date for the school dance" She said with a sorrow voice
Morgan raised her eyebrows. "Well, that sounds like me. I still don't get what is James' fault." Morgan questioned.
"You two are always together. It is super annoying. Me suffering and you two laughing over some stupid jokes. I don't want you to be happy!" Meredith cried.
Morgan was trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. "So you had a crush on James?" she asked.
Meredith's face turned red. "No! You are so stupid! I am in love with you Morgan! James took you away from me!" She grabbed Morgan's wrist.
Morgan released her wrist and moved closer to the wall. "You are a psychopath. Things will not always get your way. Things never turn out the way you want.That does not mean you have to hurt others. I demand you to let me go now. You cannot force Love! Especially when you are such a horrible person"
Meredith had an intimidating look on her face. "None of that matters now. You will all be dead by tomorrow. And I will laugh on top of your corpses." Morgan had never heard anyone saying that sentence with such a happy tone.
Morgan whispered under her breath. "I am not so sure about it."
Meredith overheard her. "Shut up or I'll put a bullet in your skull"
Morgan was not afraid of Meredith. "It doesn't matter. As you said, we will all be dead in a few hours." She replied.
Meredith did not expect Morgan's answer. She wanted her to cry for mercy. She did not want a sassy response. She wanted Morgan to beg her to take her.
Morgan looked her dead in the eye with an innocent look on her face. "What are you waiting for? Why don't you pull the trigger? Do you need help with the safety? Are you afraid of having my blood on your hands?" Morgan said with a now psychotic look on her face. "I am serious. Kill me now, I'm done saving myself"
Meredith dropped the gun on the floor. "Why can't you love me? I know that in the past you did" She put a streak of Morgan's hair behind her ear.
Morgan was staring at the floor. She was nodding her head. "You can't really blame James, can you? You can only blame yourself for not being loved with others. Who could love a girl like you? You have tied me up, for God's sake!"
Meredith seemed merciless. She took the gun in her hand and pointed it at Morgan.
James blasted the door open. "Don't you dare shoot her"
Meredith looked him straight in the eye and shot Morgan on her hip. She started screaming. "Good luck tomorrow. You'll need it" She said and disappeared.
James ran at Morgan's direction. He kneeled at the floor. "That's a lot of blood."
"I am okay James," Morgan said trying to stand up.
"Don't get up, you'll make it worse. You're looking rather pale" He carried Morgan all the way to the car.
Morgan started groaning in pain. "Everything hurts". Her clothes were soaking in blood. Morgan clutched her hip; her hands had her blood on them. She started shaking. Morgan hated the sight of blood.
"I know it hurts, but you have to stay awake. The doctors will fix you." James said driving away.
Morgan groaned in terrible pain "It just hurts so goddamn much. I want to close my eyes."
James had one hand on the wheel and tried to turn at Morgan's direction. "Morgan I can't give up on you. Please do not give up on yourself. You have to fight it."
Morgan cried "I am trying." and continued crying.
James' hands were trembling. He had to keep Morgan awake "Talk to me. Tell me what you want to do after everything is over."
Morgan was clutching her hip. "I am going to buy you a new car because It's like you killed someone in here." she laughed in pain.
James was staring at her through the car mirror. "Then?"
"We are going to Disneyland together. Only the two of us. We will go on the Ferris wheel and your hand will sleep in mine. I will kiss you and you will just stay there. The wheel will stop at the top. You are afraid of heights so you will start kissing me and you'll stop only when we start moving again."
They got to the base just in time. The doctors managed to get the bullet out of her hip. Morgan was up in an hour. The two of them went back at James' house as Morgan's house was not as safe as it should.
"James, we have an issue," Freya said running in the basement.
James' was not surprised at that point. "We have a lot of issues but that's not the point. What happened now?"
"I can't find Sebastian or Howard. And the vial is half empty. They are probably planning a trip to the Empire State Building." Freya said. Her skin had paled. "We have to tell Morgan." Freya argued.
James rolled his eyes. "I don't think that's a good idea. She is not having her best times."
"What do you want to tell me" Morgan demanded.
"Nothing. Nothing. Everything is alright." James responded.
"I know you are lying. You are two liars! You treat me like I am a delicate princess. I am sick of looking like a princess. I want to be like an evil queen who decided to be on the good side and is using her evil potentials for good causes." Morgan became red.
"I think you have to stop reading so many books" Freya exclaimed.
"No. Meredith confessed that she loves me, and she did everything to you because we all hurt her. I need to know everything that happens because it certainly involves me. And so you two know tomorrow I am coming to the battlefield with you. I will eat a bottle of pain killers and come. Now, tell me what is going on because I am sick of you treating me as children." Morgan ratted.
James and Freya exchanged looks. "You said Meredith is in love with you?" James said with panic in his voice.
"That's not the point at the moment. What were you two talking about?" Morgan demanded with no patience left."
Freya rolled her eyes. "Howard, your brother and Sebastian are gone. We don't know how long they 've been gone or when they will come back. Or if they will ever come back. We believe, I believe that they want to be the sacrifices." She and James were waiting for her reaction.
They did not know if Morgan had a good poker face or she was feeling nothing. "One of us had to be the sacrifice. They made our decision easier. Howard was with our parents." she replied with a poker face.
James got worried. "Are you alright?" He asked Morgan. She would not reply. James put his hand on her forehead. Morgan was burning.
"I am not feeling very well."
The doctors at the base, probably have gotten bored of them coming so often for treatments. Morgan had gotten fever from the bullet and the stress she had to cope with, but she would be alright.

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