Chapter 26

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Morgan had told to the others only half of the plan. Kiara was right, Meredith was not that stupid. She did not believe that Meredith would come on her own on the ground. Someone had to go up there. The others were having a conversation on a subject Morgan was too distracted to pay attention to.
When she found the chance, Morgan walked out from the alley with small steps. The helicopter was a block away. She started running until she reached it. Before she stepped in it, she made sure nobody saw what she was planning to do. She turned on the engine without anyone realizing. She took a deep breath and she started flying near the spaceship.
Meredith was standing on the window of the spaceship. She had an evil smile and satisfaction in her eyes. With her eyes, she was watching the small helicopter reaching the spaceship. "Bring her to me," she said with a monotonous yet scary tone. "I will treat this intruder on my own. Bring her to me, alive. I want to kill her myself."
The gates of the spaceship opened. Morgan was feeling very brave that day and nothing could surprise her anymore. She drove straight to the spaceship and got out of it. She felt that she did a mistake, but it was too late now. A very old man wearing a black suit greeted Morgan. "We were expecting you, Miss Thompson. Let me show you the way to the offices" He touched Morgan's hand making her feel uncomfortable. She used the laser gun to stun the old man. Morgan started running to Meredith's 'room'. Nobody was following her. They all continued doing their jobs.
She entered the room. As soon as she closed the door, she realized that Meredith was sitting on a chair facing the window. She turned and faced Morgan with a big smile on her face. "I was sure we would meet again, darling. You and I, we have a lot of things in common. More than you would like it actually." She giggled.
Morgan had a stone-cold expression. "We have nothing in common Meredith. As I figured out, even our species are different." Meredith chuckled.
"You have thirst for blood." Meredith made her way to Morgan. She placed her hand on her shoulder.
"I don't know what you are talking about." It was hard for Morgan to concentrate. She did not expect that she would reach the spaceship alive and without any trouble.
"Oh please!" Meredith chuckled. "You came all the way up here only to kill me" she crossed her arms.
"No, I didn't. That is not in my plan at all" Morgan laughed.
Meredith approached her. "Are you going to consider my offer? Is that a part of your plan?" She asked with a seductive voice
"Not in a million years I would betray my friends like that. I want them to be able to trust me" Morgan grunted.
Meredith was trying to be patient. "You would be young for the eternity. If you accept to become my soulmate." She mumbled with a soft voice in Morgan's ear.
"As I said, no chance" Morgan hissed with her eyes half-closed.
"Then you don't leave me a choice either," Meredith said and got up. In the blink of an eye, she shot Morgan on her shoulder.
She started screaming in pain. 'I am not going to die,' She said to herself. She tried to make her way to Meredith, but she punched her in the stomach. She could not breathe. Then Meredith kicked her, and she fell on the floor.
"If I can't have you. Nobody will. And I mean nobody" Meredith took a metal rod and started clubbing Morgan on her spine. Morgan was helpless. She started groaning in pain. She had not thought it through. "STOP IT" she cried.
Meredith looked pleased. "Are you accepting my offer?" She boasted.
"Only when hell freezes" Morgan squeaked with a weak voice.
"I am sorry Morgan." Meredith stabbed a knife on Morgan's thigh. "You are lasting more than I thought you would. I thought you would be weaker after yesterday's encounter" she snickered.
Morgan could not feel anything from the pain. "I-I I am not-not afraid of dying." she welted.
Meredith had the upper hand. "We will see that" she chuckled.
Morgan managed to punch Meredith in the jaw. She was trying to crawl out of the room. Half of her body was already useless.
"You are going to regret that princess" Meredith howled after she clutched her jaw,
"I am not regretting anything. I never did and will never do" Morgan stated.
"Is that so?" Meredith punched Morgan in her nose. Her eyes started watering.
Morgan was trying very hard not to cry from the pain. She pulled out with power the knife from her thigh. The blood started coming out very fast. But at least she had a weapon. "I don't want to keep this knife," She said and aimed Meredith's stomach. "I am not a princess anymore. If one of us has to end up dead. It will be you not me." Morgan confessed.
Meredith sat on her knees. She screamed in anger and shot Morgan in the spine. Morgan fell on the ground, she stopped feeling her spine. "Aren't you bored of shooting me? It's the fourth time in two days." She complained. Morgan did not want to go down.
"Always a pleasure for me. Let us see which one of us is going to die first. I bet it would be you." Meredith cheered. "But I'm impressed. Four bullets and a knife could not stop you. Maybe a bullet in your skull will end everything, shall we try?" Meredith muttered.
"I am not letting you win that." Morgan cut a wire open and let some of her blood go in the plugged wires, causing a fire to start. The lights went off.
"My spaceship!" Meredith cried and punched Morgan in the eye. She snapped Morgan's arm in two.
Morgan did not have control of her left leg and she started not feeling her right one. She started chocking Meredith with her one good arm.
Morgan's grip was weak. Meredith let go of herself pretty without even trying. "I am getting out of here". Morgan reached the gun, with hesitation she aimed at Meredith's direction. She shot Meredith on her skull. Meredith immediately fell on the ground with her body spasming.
"I won" She gulped. Morgan started hugging herself. She had never felt worse in her life. She could not decide what hurt more, Her hip, her chest, her spine, her thigh, her nose, or the fuzz in her head. She crawled towards Meredith's direction. She was dead for sure.
But Morgan would end up in the same way. This time she had no James or Howard or Freya or even Kiara. She was alone in a spaceship that would collapse any minute.
The window blasted open. The oxygen started leaving the spaceship. Morgan was coughing and blood was coming out. She could not control her tears. At least her friends would be safe. She would meet Sebastian on the other side.
The office door opened. "MORGAN" James screamed. He bent next to Morgan.
"James. You should not be here. We-we will collapse any minute. Get out of here." Morgan said with a weak nearly non-existent voice.
"I am exactly where I am supposed to. We are getting out of here." James lifted Morgan on his arms. She was weakly clinging her arms around his neck. James started running. He was going to get on the helicopter, but the helicopter was nowhere to be found. James' heart started beating faster, there was no way out.
The old man whom Morgan had seen earlier waved at them with a happy smile. Then he jumped off the spaceship with a parachute.
James kissed Morgan before he continued to find a way out of that death trap.
The engine exploded. The spaceship started orbiting with high speed the ground. James was holding Morgan tightly. He did not want to let her go. He was sure they were going to make the fall. They had survived other troubles and tortures. But this was something that they could not control. "I love you Morgan" He whispered in her ear.
A tear ran from her eye. "You are my soulmate James" she cried. She held him as tight as she could.
The spaceship reached the ground in a million pieces.

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