Fireworks in My Heart (Jubilation Lee, aka Jubilee)

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"Hey, want to see something really cool?" A woman's voice called out. Jubilation Lee, or Jubilee as she always preferred, was starting up a huge man in a rhinoceros suit. It strangely looks like Juggernaut is size, but surely as hell didn't look as strong as the X-Men villain.

"Huh?!" The villain calling himself as Rhino, looked down a bit to stare at the little girl in front of him. "Do yourself a favor, kid. Get lost" Rhino stated, making Jubilee smirk a bit.

"Sure. But don't you want to see what I can do?" She then created her lumikinetic light balls which had the capability to explode at will. She always say that her powers just generated fireworks. She really didn't understand a lot of the scientific stuff. That is why she was at E.S.U.'s watching all the experiments with a confused look. And then she found herself face to face with the bulking man.

"Ha! That's neat" Rhino cackled a bit. "I like the way you make 'em float" Rhino continued to cackle, oblivious to the fact that Jubilee's smirk widened even further.

"I can also make them explode, see?" Jubilee taunted Rhino as she manipulated the light ball to explode in front of Rhino's eyes, blinding him.

"ARG! My eyes!" Rhino shouted in slight pain at being blinded by the light ball. "You'll die, runt!" Rhino growled at Jubilee, who just gulped in slight fear.

"Uh-oh, I think I'm in trouble now..." Jubilee thought as she took a step back from the towering Rhino. But in a matter of seconds, someone passed right by her and the only thing she could see was a red and blue blur.

"OOOOF!" Rhino gasped in pain as he received a kick to the midsection by Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

"Picking on a beautiful woman, Rhino? You're moving up the world way too fast!" Spider-Man taunted at Rhino, not seeing that the comment made the aforementioned woman slightly blush.

"Spider-Man!" Jubilee was out of her fantasy as quick as she entered towards it. She was surprised though at the strength Spider-Man had since with only one kick, he sent the rhinoceros villain flying into a machine called the Electroflux two thousand.

"That was great!" Jubilee's excitement was through the roof! She had the chance to look at the Amazing Spider-Man in action in the front row... and possibly participate as well!

"You weren't so bad yourself, Er...." Spider-Man started saying, but since he didn't know the name of the woman that had blinded Aleksei, he dragged on the last word.

"Jubilee. I hang with the X-Men" The female mutant said, making Spider-Man smile under his mask at the cheery attitude the woman had. It was then that he suffered from a hard buzz in his head, which made Spider-Man widen his eyes.

"Uh-oh! Pleasantries will have to wait..." It was then a rumble was felt through the ground.

"Nobody makes a fool outta me..." Rhino stood once more, the machine over his whole body. Jubilee was very astounded at the strength feat, but she still took a step back. She knew that she was not as powerful as the Rhino nor Spider-Man, but she would do what she could. "Not even you, Spider-Man! Eat metal!" Rhino then tossed the machine over to Spider-Man

"No thanks. I get plenty of iron in my diet as it is" Spider-Man said mockingly as he created a web net to grab the metal. The machine went over Spider-Man and was heading towards the civilians that were spectating the battle instead of running away. A loud 'Look out!' was heard through the horde of people that were still there.

"Got it... Just barely. This thing must weigh a ton" Spidey thought, as he quickly finished webbing the machine, having to jump over the machine to finish webbing it. Spidey then began to swing rapidly the webbed up machine "Time to put a stop to this once and for all!" Spidey then sent the webbed machine towards Rhino.

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