The Shopping Trip

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"I'm just glad I won't have to see him and his smug face again."

"Come on Soren, you're taking forever!"

Anthony shouts while banging my bedroom door.

"In a minute."

I shout while I finish brushing my hair in front of my vanity, I put on a little bit of lip balm and curled my eyelashes. I stood back to take a full view of my outfit, I was wearing summer shorts with a shirt and a simple cardigan, my hair was put in a low ponytail.

I grabbed my black small shoulder bag which inside had a little bit of money in case I wanted to buy some sweets, I scurrying out my bedroom hopping on each foot trying to put on my flats. Once I reach the downstairs, everyone is already waiting for me at the front door,

"Finally you're done."

Anthony says restlessly. I walk past him completely ignoring his presence and opening the door,

"How is it that I'm younger than him but more mature?"
I thought to myself.

With a swift movement, we arrived in Diagon Alley, I looked around to see all the children some in their robes and some just in normal muggle clothes.
I've been to Diagon Alley several times before but this occasion is different, today I'm here about Hogwarts.

"So Soren where shall we start first?"

Puis says while waiting for my mouth to throw some words out. I look up at him and take out the letter that I put in my shoulder bag earlier, and read the first thing on the list.

"Uniforms and all these... books."

I pause before saying books as I look at the long list of books required, my eyes go wide and I pass the letter to Puis so he could see for himself.

"Well Darling, how about you and Soren go get the uniforms, while Anthony and I will get the kids books-"

"And a Broom for me!"

Anthony states as he interrupts Puis. We all stare at Anthony, Katie says something as she breaks the silence.

"So let's meet together at Eyelop's Owl Emporium?"

We all nod in agreement and Katie and I walk in the opposite direction from the boys. Once we arrive at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, I get all excited when I see all the robes, skirts, and all sorts of ties from each different house.

For first years when we are sorted into our house, we are given our uniforms then, but we still need robes and the other items. After a few minutes of just looking around the shop, we finally find the rights sizes for my uniforms and then check out.

As Katie is in line I walk over to the ties and pins from all the houses, my eyes catch Ravenclaw as I remember my mother was in the house I hope she enjoyed being apart of it. Just then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, it was Katie I didn't even realize she finished paying.

"Your mother was quite a Ravenclaw, she was even head girl one year."

"Wait, she was?"

I was impressed by what I heard, my mother: a Head girl.

"Oh yes she was by far the best, I had a theory she was the only one that always gave Ravenclaw points. So many people loved her and not just from her house even Slytherins admired her, that's how Charlie caught his eye on her."

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