The Special Present

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"He pulls his hands out presenting a box tightly wrapped with some old Daily Prophet newspaper wrapped around it."

"Do you think it's true? A real Troll in Hogwarts?"

"Can't be, who would trust that nitwit of a teacher."

"Ppp-Professor Qqq-Quirrell."

Draco mocks and insults him making Pansy snort. They seemed to be the only two cracking jokes right now in the common room.

"Psst. Psst. Soren." I hear a whisper coming out a door.

I walk towards the voice trying not to draw attention to myself as some Slytherin Prefects were in the common room with us younger students. I open the door and am greeted with a sweet smile by a boy who seemed to always spark nervous butterflies in me.

"Hi, Soren," Cedric says with his hands behind his back.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I smile back curious by his position.

"I wanted to give you something." He pulls his hands out presenting a box tightly wrapped with some old Daily Prophet newspaper wrapped around it.

I took the box and unwrapped it delicately trying not to rip the perfectly creased wrapping.

"I didn't have nice wrapping paper so I had to make due I'm sorry."

I look up at his face he seemed slightly embarrassed, putting his hand behind his neck.

I unbox the present opening it to see a lovely sharp brown quill with a gold tip. I looked closer seeing my name "Soren Robin" imprinted on the delicate handle.

I was speechless it was beautiful.

"Do-do you like it?" I look up to see his face anxiously waiting to see what I thought of his gift.

"Cedric this is one of the best birthday presents I've ever received." I give him a big hug letting out a nice sigh.

It felt comforting to be in his embrace it made my heart swing having the thought of him as a good friend.

He releases a grip on me as I do with him.

"Soren..." He looks at me staring with a serious tone.

I try to keep my composure but he makes me so nervous, I felt like a bug under a microscope.

"I wanted to give you your birthday present, but I also came here to make sure you were okay."

I let him continue talking taking his time to get the words outright.

"Just with the troll coming and I'm still not quite sure if he's even out of Hogwarts I worried about you."

"Oh, um no one has ever really cared about me like that." I sit down leaning against the wall next to the door.

Cedric joins me sitting shoulder to shoulder.

We continued talking till the late hours, the Troll must have been dealt with because Snape caught us making Cedric scurry off to his common room while Snape snatched my birthday gift to examine inside.

"Hm, a Quill." He looks at me raising one eyebrow up.

"Diggory gave it to me. It's my birthday sir." I stutter scared that he might confiscate the writing tool.

"Well Happy Birthday Ms. Robin but I advise you to run off to your room. As it is after hours."

I nod my head and do exactly has he commands afraid that if I stall even a second more he might take away house points.


Hello Mum and Dad,

Thank you for the Birthday Present! I teared up a bit, sorry it has been so long since I last wrote to you. I heard that we will be spending Christmas with the Diggory's. That is quite fantastic since I and Cedric have become great friends, I attended Anthony and Cedric's games. They have won almost every game, except with Gryffindor the new seeker Harry Potter is one of the best I have ever seen. He is a quite nice boy I also am friends with this girl Hermione Granger she is in my year and one of the smartest witches I have ever met. She invited me to this place called a mall when school is over for the year, we live quite near each other I think it would be nice. Anyways I must go back to my school work since the winter exams are soon. I love you guys and will write soon!

Love, Soren.

Sorry, this chapter is so short but there will only be three more chapters till the third year. Yes, I am skipping the second year only because I think moving into the third year will progress the story well and make things much more interesting.

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