The Hufflepuff Boy

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"Just my luck, he and I pick ourselves up after falling on the floor from our crash."

I awoke to feel my dried tears in the outer corner of my eyes, I flip the covers off my head to look up and see all the girls sleeping,

"Must've missed dinner, not that I care I'd rather be in bed than at the Slytherin table." I decided I should go to my desk and see is Katie and Puis wrote back to me, I went over to see a letter in it read;

    Dear Soren,

We are so happy about your first night at Hogwarts, we are glad that Anthony let you sit with him and his friends on the Train Ride. And you tell me that you met a friend in your year, Daphne Greengrass, we know of her family they are quite sweet, once you come back home we should plan for dinner with them. From what it sounds like Soren you don't seem as excited to be sorted into Slytherin, we both understand it can seem disappointing but Soren, you will do exceptionally well in Slytherin that is the reason you were sorted into the house wasn't it? We want you to remember that the house doesn't define you and to know that you don't have to just stay in your house you can meet and be friends with many other students from different houses. Just know we love you so much and please owl soon.

    -Mum & Dad

              (Katie and Puis)

As I placed the letter gently back unto the table I smile as I knew that they both will love me regardless of where I am sorted, as I now understand it doesn't define me and neither does what Malfoy say about me as I am not an orphan because I have friends and family that love me very much.

I put my head up in pride and switch into my pajamas since I fell asleep earlier in my school clothes. I find some comfortable long grey pants and an oversized hoodie that used to be Anthony but doesn't fit him anymore, I also pulled out my slippers and a muggle book I bought at a book store, I love to read a lot it is a great escape as people would say which I do agree with, but the type of books I love the most are muggle books, it's so interesting to read what a muggle thinks and the ideas they come up with, the best genre I like are romance and fiction.

Once a month Katie and I will go into a popular book store in London and let me buy a bunch of books I like, it's something I do enjoy a lot although the muggle world is confusing we only go into the area when we need to, just everyone is so fast-paced and loud, my goodness they are so loud it's very annoying but in the end, once I am able to hold the books and read them it's all worth it.

I climb back into bed go under the covers and hold my wand out to light it up so I have a small amount of light to be able to read my book. After a couple of minutes, I feel my eyes grow heavy and once my vision becomes blurry I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I hear girls giggling and the sunlight beaming in my eyes, I squint them open to see girls walking around the room and getting ready for the day, I put my head up to get a complete view of the room, there are about five beds with green blankets and white sheets on top, the walls are a grey color with a dark green accent wall. Each bed has a desk next to it which is individually ours for the rest of the term, I put a few photos on mine of me and my old school friends not that I really talk to them anymore and a few of my family, I have my books and school work but that's about it. Some of the other girls have similar things but they also have makeup, jewelry, and hair accessories.

Millicent and I seem to be the only ones who don't. Personally, I know very little about makeup or how to put it on I only use simple stuff on special outings, and my hair is quite a mess it gets so thick and scruffy I barely know what to do with it, the only thing girly I did bring was the perfume Katie made for me, which I use every day of course. After I finish examining the room and try to wake myself up I get dressed and go to the girls' bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth.

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