The Christmas Morning

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"I looked out to see thousands of trees all tall and dark completely covered in snow, it truly felt like a white Christmas."

I woke to the smell of sweet rolls and roasted coffee. I opened my eyes to see frosted windows with tiny flurries falling on the glass.

"Finally Christmas Morning." I said with a nice sigh stretching my legs and rising out of the sinking couch. I walk into the kitchen wrapping my robe around myself. Anthony and Cedric are laughing and eating toast with eggs on the side. I am greeted with a 'Merry Christmas' by Puis who picks me up and hugs me tightly.

"Dad I'm not three put me down!" I scrim and laugh.

"But you sure look like it." Anthony laughs at his own stupid joke. I get out of Puis's grip and walk over slapping him on the head as Katie does when he's misbehaving.

"Hey, don't hit me!" He shouts at me as I walk past him and sit next to Cedric.

"Don't be so rude all the time then." I turn my head at him.

"Kids it's Christmas please just be nice to each other for once." Katie comes to the table and sets down the warm sweet rolls.

I grab the one closet to me dropping it on my plate and licking my fingers, tasting the sweet sugar glaze from the rolls. I pour myself some orange juice and continuing putting some more food on my plate.

"So are we all ready for presents after breakfast?" Mr. Diggory asks us kids, we all nod still having good food stuffed in our mouths.

The parents laugh at our faces that were filled with toast, egg, and many sweet rolls. After we finish scarfing our food down I lay on the couch try to calm down my stuffed tummy.

"Hey while the parents are cleaning up wanna go outside it's cold though so put a jacket on." Cedric comes over to me.

I nod and grab a puffy jacket to go over my robe. We step outside and Anthony is already outside and trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue. We run over to him trying to do the same thing, I was the only one successful and showed them quickly before it melted into my tongue.

We made a small snowman putting two tiny sticks on each side for the arms and we found some nuts from a tree and put them as the eyes.

Cedric and Anthony both tried to see who could climb the tree the fastest, Cedric won with basically no competition. Anthony couldn't even get to the second branch, I couldn't tell if he was too scared or he just was too weak to lift himself up to the next one.

"Cedric get down from there your too high up now!" I shouted hoping he could hear me. He was too high the tree was at least 40 feet tall. I didn't want him to break another bone on Christmas.

Without another second he jumps from branch to branch till he drops into the snow and falls on his back.

"Are you okay." I say worrying that he might have hurt himself.

"I ment to do that. You worry to much." He puts his hand on my shoulder as he gets up smiling at me.

"Hey um can I get some- help?" We look to see Anthony in the tree trying to get back down, but clearly stuck.

"Kids come inside it's time!!" Puis shouts and after Cedric helped Anthony down we ran inside.

Mr. Diggory already set up a fire for us so we were warm and toasty when we came in. I took off my jacket and boots I had on. We all gathered around the tree that had pretty moving picture ornaments of Cedric and his family and friends even some long distance family members.

As I opened the first present it was from Katie personally. She got me my own potion kit with a few books that had recipes and even one book to write down any recipes I create, it also came in a little box I can fit in my luggage to bring back to Hogwarts. I loved it and gave Katie a big hug thanking her.

The present opening lasted for a couple hours we all liked each other's presents, Cedric got a lot of books and quidditch equipment. Some of the equipment seemed really expensive and I could tell Cedric was more than excited to use it.

After a long cozy day inside it was time for dinner which consisted of much turkey, roasted potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, and much stuffing with gravy. I also stuffed up on bread rolls. We finished the evening with games and wizard trivia, Katie, Cedrics mom, and I beat the boys of course.

Just before I drifted off to sleep I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned my face away from the couch to see who was awaking me I saw Cedric's lowly lit face near mine just inches away.

"Psst, Soren." He said ever so quietly.

"Uhh yeah." I sounded groggy and ridiculous but I don't think he was even focused on that.

"I want to show you something, come with me." He lifts off his feet and waits for me to get up before leading me upstairs to his bedroom, we both tip-toed up the squeaky stairs.

Once we arrived in his bedroom he led me out to his window just by his bed. It was freezing and I almost thought about to back downstairs to grab my coat.

I watched him climb out of his window and walk up to his roof I immediately second-guessed if this was a good idea.

"Umm, Cedric I don't know about this?" I didn't whisper this time I only leaned out of the window and looked up to see him sitting right on top of the roof comfortably.

"Come on, don't leave me out here." He put his hand out in a way to ask me to come up.

I looked down to the snowy grass that looked like melted marshmallows. If I did fall at least I wouldn't die, I think...

"So do you uh do this often." I say as I try and climb out of the window making sure as to where I step.

After several minutes of stepping and then close to sliding, Cedric gets up and walks so casually over to me giving out his hand, this time meant for me to grab ahold of.

"The roof has a type of grit so that you won't go falling off." He looked at me smiling knowing that he could have told me that earlier.

"Oh, good to know."

He smiled. We sat down and he pulled out a blanket from a basket I didn't even realize he had with him.

He wrapped it around me and warmed his hands up. I looked out to see thousands of trees all tall and dark completely covered in snow, it truly felt like a white Christmas.

"This is so mesmerizing." I saw him look from where I was to me making eye contact and then looking back at the tall trees.

"I come here whenever I need a moment."

"It's a great place, Cedric." I did a full 360 turn with my head to see my whole environment.

"Thank you." He looked at me.

"Why?" I gave him a curious look, not quite understanding the compliment.

"For letting me be your friend." He smiled, but this time it was a different smile it looked as if he was truly happy and complete at that moment.

I opened up the blanket and wrapped it around me and him both, staring back at the dark trees and cold night sky.

Soren {A Draco/Cedric FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now