The Train Ride

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"I locked eyes with the tall brunette boy with dashing blue eyes and hair that was a bit messy on both sides as if he couldn't get it to stay down."

"This is it, my first ever train to Hogwarts."

I thought before Anthony abruptly pulled my upper arm while running with me towards the train, as I'm still gripping unto my owl cage with my sweaty hands.

Once we stepped into the train with its last screeching whistle call, I looked at Anthony while trying to catch my breath.

"Why... on earth... did you pull me like that?"

Trying to ask him still short of breath,

"We were gonna miss the train, plus you walk super slow."

He replies with a smile as it seems as though he enjoys the pain I'm in.

"I do not!"

I say with a stern voice while making a wiping motion over my jeans. He rolls his eyes and tells me to follow him into one of the compartments, we enter one to see who I imagine are his friends since they already had their robes on that showed their house colors.

The friends greeted him with a meaningful smile and one girl gave him a big hug of an embrace. I saw an empty seat next to the window, once I sat down I locked eyes with the tall brunette boy with dashing blue eyes and hair that was a bit messy on both sides as if he couldn't get it to stay down.

He looks at me and gives a sweet smile which showed off the tiny leftover baby fat on his cheeks.

"Hello I am Cedric Diggory and you are?"

Still locking eyes with him my body was frozen enchanted by his charm features. After a couple of seconds of me just staring at the boy, Anthony cuts in with an elated voice while going to shake the older boy's hand

"Your Cedric Diggory you play as the Seeker for Hufflepuff! I'm going to try out this year I think I could be a great Beater my dad says I've got a great arm."

He finishes showing off his skimpy little arms trying to flex some sort of muscle. Cedric gives a nod probably just to get him to shut it, he turns to me again still waiting for my name, I now have the courage to respond.

"O-oh um, my name is Soren Robin."

I stutter at first but power through with an awkward smile. I guess everyone heard me and turned my way, the girl who hugged Anthony said.

"Wait Soren Robin as in Loraine Robin?"

"Yes, that's my mother. Why?"

"Oh, my Merlin your mom is a legend she was one of the best
Ravenclaw Keepers ever!"

"Wow, my mother a Keeper I didn't know that."

"Yeah, you should ask her about it."

Right after she said that Anthony kicks her foot,

"Ouch what was that for?"

She shouts at him in confusion while rubbing her foot.

"Um well my mother she died, my father too I... um, live with Anthony and his family."

I mumble, the whole compartment was filled with silence I immediately felt embarrassed I never meant to make an awkward letdown.

"So much for first impression."
I thought to myself while looking down at the floor, I then felt a warm comforting voice say.

Soren {A Draco/Cedric FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now