The Apology

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"Yes, that's right I hate Draco Malfoy."

"Really? You're gonna forgive and apologize to Malfoy?"

"Yes, is that so hard to believe."

It's been a week since the argument with Malfoy and the only words we have shared is him asking for an extra sheet of parchment paper, and I was one of the last people he asked.

But Madam Pomfrey's word stuck with me as well as Daphne's, so even though I am not one to be this mature I must in a way be the bigger person.

"So when do you think you will talk to him." Daphne says continuing our conversation with her face still sticking to a surprised look.

"I'm not sure I haven't seen him at all today." It's true it is almost dinner time and the blonde hair boy has not passed my eyesight yet.

"Oy Malfoy is it true?"

Almost just after thinking his name the boy with his little gang comes into the common room. Blaise Zabini ask while walking behind him with the rest of the kids. Malfoy continues ignoring him and sits down in chair looking as proud as ever.

I continue putting my focus on their conversation, Daphne as well follows along with my stares towards them.

"Yeah it is, Potter looked pale as ever when he saw that thing. I on the other hand stood my ground till Hagrid came over."

Daphne leans over to me whispering quietly,

"What are they talking about."

I shrug confused as well, Blaise turns to me and Daphne, noticing our interest in their conversation.

"Malfoy I think some are eavesdropping on our conversation." 

He hits Malfoy's shoulder making Malfoy turn his head towards us.

"Oh, Soren Robin interested in my story?" He raises his head and looks at me with a little smirk.

I roll my eyes out of force of habit, Malfoy stands up and walks over to me and Daphne. He sits halfway on the table leaning towards us.

"Well if you must know girls, I saw You-know-who the other day." He looks at us trying to sound like he's telling a scary story.

"Really?" Daphne says instantly believing his lie.

"Don't listen to him, he's obviously lying."

I put my head back to my paper trying to seem like I wasn't slightly intrigued by what he just said.

"I am not, he was wearing a dark cape so I couldn't see his face but he was drinking unicorn blood and making awfully grimy noises." Malfoy seemed almost hurt by my accusation of him lying.

"So why do we not hear Potter talking about it?" I look back up still sticking to my side. More kids have now gathered around probably hoping for another fight between us, which I honestly don't want again.

"Well Potter isn't here obviously but he would just lie and say that I ran away from the scene which I did not!" He scoffed at me.

"Look Malfoy maybe You-know-who is back or not, but you can't go around shoving that in people's faces. I'm not gonna fight with you in fact I wanted to apo-" I look around the room to see everyone staring at me and Malfoy, and just then my confidence completely shattered and I couldn't speak another word.

"You wanted to what?" Malfoy forcefully replies waiting for my sentence to finish.


I look at everyone all waiting for my reply, some were simply just being nosey, others like the Malfoys gang were waiting for me to stumble on my words so Malfoy could come back and say something that would hurt me instantly.

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