🍢-Part 1

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"ugh, finally holidays, i can't wait to spend more time with tae. school is literally taking all my time!", jeongguk says, walking with his best friend jimin out of class.
"i know right! they've been stressing us so much, so for me i wanna lay in bed all day and do nothing but eat!", the two chuckled. they walked out of the school building but stopped when they heard someone shouting for them.
"YAH! YOU TWO WAIT FOR MEEE!!", as they turned around they saw jin, one of their friend group, running towards them.
"HURRY UP JIN HYUNG!!", jimin shouted back. jeongguk couldn't help but laugh at the way jin was running, as if a dog was chasing him. when he finally reached out to them, they continued to walk home.

"bye hyungs!", the youngest of them waved as he was about to enter his house.
"goodbye ggukie! take care!", they waved back and continued walking to their houses.
jeongguk went to the kitchen and saw his mother drinking coffee while reading a magazine. "mom i'm home..", he says getting his mother's attention, his head looking down not daring to look up at her. "what brings you here? go to your room and don't show me your face!"
jeongguk could feel his eyes tear up. he immediately rushed in his room and closed the door. he broke down as he slid his back down against the door.
"what did i ever do to you?! all that because i came out as gay? even dad beats me up almost everyday.." ,he cried and cried.
after he calmed down a little bit, he called his boyfriend.
"hello?", a deep male voice could be heard through the speaker.
"tae.. can you come over?", the bunny's voice had a little crack in it, as he was crying just a few seconds ago.
"baby is everything alright? you sound like you were crying.. did something happen?" taehyung's voice came out worried.
"no, just please come.. i-i miss you." the younger stated.
"don't worry bun, i'm coming, give me 10 minutes k?"
"thanks hyung." he ended the call.
tae on the other hand got worried. he knew how his boyfriend sounds when he's sad. so he dressed up quickly and made his way to jeongguk's house.
to be continued...
and plz don't judge, i'm not a professional heh.
anyway have great dayyy!!
luv uuu💜

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