🍢-Part 8

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3rd person POV:
that day was just like all the past days, tae would go out in the morning and not come until a very late time. jeongguk keeps waiting for him, hoping he would at least eat dinner with him, but taehyung would always say he already ate.

by the time, tae became ignorant towards jeongguk. he would let him do all the house work, like he's a maid or something, while he's texting some friends. jeongguk could never say no to taehyung. after all, he still loves him. so much.

day by day, tae would come home later every time, until it got to the point that he wouldn't come until midnight. it broke jeongguk more and more, he couldn't think straight. taehyung started mistreating him so much, that he sometimes would slap jeongguk for absolutely no reason. it's been like that for 4 weeks already and jeongguk obviously had enough.

he wanted to talk to him in any way possible, but he could barely even see him. so today he decided to stay up late until tae comes so he can finally confront him.

but surprisingly, tae came home early today, not only that, but he brought jennie once again with him. jeongguk frowned at that.

"jeongguk make us food." taehyung said in a rude tone. jennie looked at him and frowned, she's never seen that side of taehyung ever. and jeongguk was also shocked on the other hand. "didn't you hear what i said? i said go make some food!" tae once again shouted, making jeongguk flinch in fear. "o-okay.." he stuttered and ran to the kitchen.

"you didn't have to shout at him! he didn't do anything.!" jennie whisper-shouted at taehyung. "he deserves it. what is he anyway? just a useless maid. even a maid is more worth that him." tae said sarcastically.
what he didn't know that he said it so loud that even jeongguk could hear it. and it made him break even more. he felt like he was gonna faint any second. his heart hurt so much.

jennie was truly surprised. 'when did taehyung become so cruel? he was always kind to everyone' she kept thinking.
"now come with me." he said dragging her to the bedroom. "what-." she couldn't continue her sentence, as tae has already pinned her against the wall, kissing her neck harshly, making soft moans escape her mouth.

next thing she knew, she was screaming like there was no end.

with jeongguk, well, he was trying to hold back his tears until he heard the moaning sounds. he couldn't believe it yet. he was broken so many times already, and now this. he didn't know what to do. he started crying nonstop. it tore him apart how taehyung, the one he loves dearly, would do this kind of thing to him.

he had no one now. no shoulder to cry on, nobody there for him, to hug him, to comfort him. his parents left him him, his lover left him, and his best friend wasn't there.

he wanted to pack his things and just leave, but all his things were in the room. he cursed mentally, what should he do? should he just wait until they come out? should he just leave without anything? what's for the best?

he was so deep in his thoughts, that he didn't realize that the other two elders were already in the living room. when he heard their voices, laughing, chuckling, joking, giggling, his heart broke once again. he decided to go for it. 'come on jeongguk, confront him. talk to him. don't be a scared rat! you can do it. just leave.' he talked to himself in his mind.

he finally collected himself and took a deep breath, before heading towards the living room. tae saw him and asked him, "gguk is food ready?" jeongguk couldn't believe it. after what he did, he still thinks about food? ridiculous. "you still have the fucking audacity to ask that? don't tell me what to do, kim fucking taehyung." he responded emotionless. "excuse me gguk? are you ok?"
"shut up taehyung. i can't stand a bitch like you!"
"woah woah, what's happening here? jeongguk what the fuck is wrong with you?!" tae said as he stood up slowly, along with jennie, who had no idea what was going on.

"are you kidding me taehyung?! you don't know what's wrong?! what do you expect from me after hearing you guys fucking in the bedroom?! what do you think i am? an idiot? i can't stand you tae. you've been treating me like trash the past month, like i'm nothing to you. am i that worthless to you?" jeongguk spilled everything, still on the verge of crying.
"what..?" tae said " confused "
"oh yeah, i assume you didn't even tell jennie about our relationship did you?"
"what relationship?" jennie finally spoke up.
"well, the one you've been fucking with the whole past month is my boyfriend."
"WHAT?!" she didn't expect that at all. she was too shocked. "TAE WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!!"
"NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT!! H-HE'S LYING!!" tae tried to deny everything.
"oh yeah? you need proof? i have everything on my phone if you want to." jeongguk said, knowing he has every proof he needs.
"how ridiculous are you taehyung? i never expected you to be like that. honestly, i doubted everything, when i saw how broken jeongguk was." jennie said truly.

at that moment, jeongguk couldn't hold his tears anymore. he broke down in front of the two. jennie was regretful, after all, she didn't know anything. she came and hugged him tightly. "i'm so sorry jeongguk.. i-i really didn't know anything." she patted his back. "i-i know.. it's o-okay.." he said between his tears.

after they broke the hug, jeongguk went to the bedroom and packed all his things, not leaving anything. after a while, he came out with his luggage, as tae and jennie looked at him. "w-where are you going?" taehyung shamelessly asked. this made jeongguk scoff sarcastically, "as if you care," he looked at him in a bitchy way. "ggukie, do you have anywhere to go?" jennie asked nicely. "n-no.." he looked down.

"it's fine. hey, you can move in with me." both jeongguk and taehyung looked at her in shock "what?!" tae shouted in disbelief.
"what? have a problem?" jennie glared at him. "i'm not letting him sleep at your house!"
"it's literally none of your business taehyung, because none of us is yours anymore. and it's MY house. i can invite whoever i want and whenever i want." jennie took the guts and said that right into his face.
"come on jeongguk, let's go." she said as she took some of jeongguk's bags, since there was quite a lot.

walking out of the house, both gave taehyung a death glare. tho jennie's was a deadly one, however jeongguk's was a deadly but broken one. and that didn't go unnoticed by tae as well.

after taehyung was alone, he sat on the couch pulling his own hair roughly, overthinking the situation.
sighing, he talked to himself..

"what did i do?"

to be continued...
heyy how yall doin?
what do you think is going to happen after jeongguk left?
plz comment your thoughts and give a feedback! i'd be thankful :3
as always, i love you all and stay safe🍧🌊

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