🍢-Part 19

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Taehyung's POV:
i was so lost in my thoughts.. he- forgave me..? finally? is this real? i couldn't make up my mind until i heard him scream in pain, "m-my chest i-is hurting.. so much.."

i carried him to my room and gently put him down on my bed. "jeongguk calm down please.. jennie can you get a glas of water..?" i ordered and she nodded as she immediately went to the kitchen.

she came back and handed jeongguk the water. right after, he started to calm down slowly.. "jeongguk.. please tell me what happened.." i said with a worried tone. "t-they were just some hallucinations. don't worry.." he answered, trying to convince me it was nothing, but somehow i knew it was not only that. "jeongguk. you know you can trust me right?"
"then tell me."

"okay fine.. w-when i heard you guys talking, i immediately remembered that day-.. w-when i found out about everything.. that's when my head started hurting so much. it just wouldn't get out of my mind.. b-but i promise i forgive you.." he said with visible tears in his eyes, daring to fall down.

knowing i hurt him so much that it got to the point that he would be traumatized just makes me sick. i don't know what i did to deserve him. he deserves much better..

"taehyung?" i snapped back as i noticed his hand waving in front of me, "o-oh-?"
"you spaced out. what happened?" he looked with sparkle in his eyes, but before i could say anything we heard jennie talking "i will leave you guys alone for now hm? i might come tomorrow, i'll see. anyways, good luck!" she left after cheering us a little bit up. me and jeongguk said goodbye to her then looked at each other..

"jeongguk. i-i really appreciate you forgiving me.. i-i don't know how to pay you b-" i suddenly stopped talking as i felt a pair of lips pressing against mine gently.. wow- that felt like.. heaven. haven't felt that in months.. i of course without hesitation kissed him back and held his waist close as his arms wrapped around my neck very softly. i loved that feeling. i didn't wanna let go. i don't want to lose him once again.

"you're mine."

"i'm yours.."

~the next day~

Jeongguk's POV:
we woke up in each other's arms.. and i felt so relieved and happy.. like i never felt this happy in months.
we both sat up and smiled brightly, "good morning!" he said, and i as well replied "good morning" with a sleepy tone still.
we both got up and did our morning routine.

"bun what do you wanna have for breakfast?" i heard taehyung ask as he back hugged me, "hmm.. i don't know.."
"how about we have breakfast at a café this time??" he suggested, and well, who am i to refuse? "sure!"
"alright then! go dress up!" he said and i went to the bedroom to get dressed.
i wore a baby pink oversized hoodie with some skinny black jeans. after we both were done, we got in taehyung's car as he started driving towards the café.

before we got there, taehyung suddenly parked the car aside as i frowned, "wha-"
"baby can you wait here a few minutes? i have to get something from this shop right there.." he explained himself and pointed at a shop that was just about 50 meters away "oh um- yeah, sure.." he pecked my lips and immediately ran to the shop.

a few seconds later, i heard a knock on my window. i looked at it and there stood a man wearing all black from head to toe. i pulled my window down as he poked his head inside the car, "who are you?" i asked. i couldn't even recognize his face cause he was covering it with a mask and a cap.
i waited for him to answer, but instead, he opened the door quick and started dragging me out of the car, "HEY WHAT THE F-" i started screaming. "be quiet kid." he whispered..
i started thinking..
'i know that voice.. it's familiar.'
when i spaced out he took the chance to carry me and run away. i tried to get out of his grip but it was too tight. he ran for about two minutes and then he threw me inside another car "OW!!" i screamed once again. it really hurt tho..

the man started driving somewhere and i couldn't help but cry.. i was just too scared

"t-taehyung.. please.."

to be continued...

it's been really for me lately and i apologize for letting you wait so long
just wanted to make sure you all know that i will NOT discontinue this story. i promise to try to update sooner from now on.
i love you all and thank u for understanding
please stay safe <3

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