🍢-Part 12

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"w-what do i do.."
jeongguk never felt this helpless before.
he just wanted the pain to end.
no matter what consequences were following, he wanted to end it at any cost. but unfortunately, he couldn't.

Taehyung's POV:
i've been searching for jeongguk for about 30 minutes now. jennie wanted to help me, but i didn't let her. i told her it was gonna exhaust her a lot, so it's better for her to stay at home.

but where could he possibly be? home? nah, he wouldn't go there after what happened. but he doesn't have anywhere else to go..
i continued searching everywhere possible, as it suddenly started raining. 'great' i thought..

Jennie's POV:
that idiot didn't let me help him look for jeongguk. i'm really worried as well. i tried calling jeongguk multiple times, he never answered. he didn't reply to the messages i sent or even bothered to open them. i got more worried every time he wouldn't answer.

i decided to call tae to make sure if he found him, "hello?" i heard him say from the other line, "hey, what happened? did you find him yet?" i asked in hurry. "no. to be honest, i'm slowly losing hope. i've searching for an hour now. he's definitely not returning home. what do i do?" he sounded hopeless, it made me even sadder. "hey, listen we're gonna find him, i'll help you, i don't care if you tell not to. i'm worried about you both." i said more intimidating this time, "thank you jen"
"don't worry, if you find him please let me know, i'll do the same, now go, take care."
"mhm, you too."
i hung up immediately and left the house, starting to look for the specific person.

Jeongguk's POV:
i was hiding in the alleyway that was placed between two large buildings. i hid because i didn't want people to see me in this state. i look horrible. especially with the wet hair because of the rain, but therefor, the rain kinda replaced the tears on my cheeks.

i sat there crying, my back against the wall, my suitcase lying on the ground next to me. later i started sobbing. i had nowhere to go. like literally nowhere. 'how long am i going to stay here?' i thought to myself. i leaned my head back and shut my eyes trying to calm myself down.

Jimin's POV:
i'm on vacation with my family right now. we're in japan for the whole holidays this time. i was actually wondering how jeongguk's doing. he didn't call nor did he text me since holidays started. i'm kinda starting to feel a bit worried. i thought about texting him before but i just decided to not make it into a big deal, but now i can't wait anymore.

i texted a quick "hii ggukie~ how are u?" and waited for a reply. jeongguk would usually answer fast. but i don't know what was taking him so long. did something happen? i finally decided to call him, just to make sure he was okay. so i did call him. it rang for 10 seconds and i instantly heard him speaking through the phone "hey chim" he sounded weak. really weak. "hi ggukiee!! how are youuuu??" i pretended like i didn't notice anything, "i'm good, what about you? is your vacation going nice?"
"yea actually, it's pretty cool here. but um ggukie.."
"why didn't you text me before?? did you not care at all??" i asked him, purposely sounding like a little kid.
he stayed silent for a moment then replied, "o-oh, uhm, i was just busy jiminieeee. of course i care!! i'm sorry i just forgot to text or call you.." he apologized too much.

"yahh, it's okayyy, i was joking haha. so like, how's your vacation going?"
"oh? it's like, normal? i don't know lmao."
"then what were you so busy with to forget to text me huh?"
"dude chill, i had a fight with my parents, that's it."
"about what?"
"i'll tell you when you come back, it's a long story hyung."
"okay. gguk you sound off, is everything alright?"
"yea i'm good don't worry. i-i gotta go now hyung, byeee"
"okayyy, byee, take care"
"you too" he hung up.

something was off..

3rd person POV:
jeongguk didn't have the courage to talk to anyone, yet he convinced himself to talk to his hyung. he missed him after all. but he decided to finally end it.
right after, he checked his phone, shocked at what he saw.
1 new message from 'jiminie hyung💙'
40 missed calls and 84 new messages from 'taebear❤️🧸'
67 missed calls and 49 new messages from 'jen :)'
"woah, that worried? didn't expect that coming." he mumbled to himself.

he ignored all those and shut his phone, putting it in his pocket. he started talking to himself "what am i living for now? is life worth it anyway? i don't have anybody now. well except for jimin. but what about taehyung? i still love him. i love him a lot. but i can't forget what he did to me. he literally broke me and didn't care at all. and now, after i left, he started caring. well too bad, i think he's a bit late now.." he didn't realize he was crying again.

(sry for the many pov changes lmao)
Taehyung's POV:
after a while of running and walking around like a complete crazy person, i arrived at two very large buildings. the sidewalk lead to an alleyway that was between those two. i decided to look there, perhaps..?

as i took a quick look, i thought i didn't see anything. but then i heard someone talking, so i took another look and-..

to be continued..
yall im sooooo sorry for updating to late, school is taking almost all my time💀
im reallllllly trying to update faster plz dont be mad :(
WELP- anywayyyyyyy i hope u liked this chapterrrr
please comment your thoughts and opinions and dont forget to vote!
i love you alll😼
stay safeeeee🧋❤️

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