🍢-Part 17

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"and how..?"
Jeongguk's POV:
"okay listen, i'm gonna tell my friend to call taehyung. she's gonna act like a fangirl that wants to seduce him and all, you know, she will record the whole conversation and we both will react to it later. and trust me i'm sure taehyung will show his loyalty. and don't worry, i didn't tell him about any of this." jennie explained her idea.
"that's a really good idea, and thanks for helping me jen.."
"you don't have to thank me, just come to my house only by yourself this evening and the recording will be ready"
"okay, we'll see"
"alright, i gotta go tell my friend then, bye!"
"goodbye" i hung up.
i really hope jennie's plan will improve and i can finally forgive taehyung without any hesitation..

Taehyung's POV:
i was waiting for jeongguk to come and have breakfast with me. i sat at the table, opening the exploring page on instagram. i scrolled through some posts for a while, gguk was still not here, "ggukie!!" i shouted for him, he came just seconds later. "morning gguk.."
"good morning.." he slightly smiled and sat down at the table. "how are you today?"
"i'm good. thanks for asking"
i nodded, and we both started eating.

we didn't do anything special that day, but after lunch, i got a call from an unknown number. "hello?" i answered, then i heard a female voice talking "kim taehyung?" she asked, "yeah, who's that?" i was slightly uncomfortable with her voice tone, "do you wanna maybe have some fun tonight?" she started with a very seductive tone "excuse me?"
"hey, no need to get uncomfortable, i mean once you see me you'll immediately want to fuck me hard~" what the f- did she just moan?
"hey dude i don't know who the fuck you are and i don't want to. i'm just gonna tell you that i already love someone and i'm not the type of person that fucks every other person they know out of lust. plus, i'm not ready to leave my beloved one for anybody else, especially someone like you. so please fuck off and never call this number again." i immediately ended the call and sighed. why are there such people? just wanna fuck some random person.
well, do i even have any right to say that? i'm not better myself.

Jeongguk's POV:
jennie texted me that her friend was about to call taehyung and start the plan, so i excused myself and went to the bedroom, so that in the meantime i can dress up to go out.
i waited for a message from jennie saying that they were done. well, that went fast.

i only went to the living room a few minutes after, so it doesn't seem sus. "taehyung?" i said, "yeah?" he answered, "can i go out for a while?"
"sure, but is it okay if you tell me where?" why did he hesitate?
"oh i'm just gonna walk around, just for fresh air.."
"oh okay, but please don't make me worried. don't be late okay?" i nodded.
i said bye then i went out, heading to jennie's house.
once i got there, we quickly sat down and she got her phone and played the recording her friend sent.

"hello?" taehyung said when he picked up the phone
"kim taehyung?" jennie's friend answered,
"yeah, who's that?" i heard taehyung answer. i was worried sick..
"do you wanna maybe have some fun tonight?" she started with a very seductive tone "excuse me?" it was obvious that taehyung felt uncomfortable,
"hey, no need to get uncomfortable, i mean once you see me you'll immediately want to fuck me hard~" wait- did she really moan for him?
"hey dude i don't know who the fuck you are and i don't want to. i'm just gonna tell you that i already love someone and i'm not the type of person that fucks every other person they know out of lust. plus, i'm not ready to leave my beloved one for anybody else, especially someone like you. so please fuck off and never call this number again." then we heard a beeping sound, signaling that the call was ended. woah. taehyung really said that..? for me? impressive.

"i knew taehyung was gonna save it. see?" jennie cheerfully said. i smiled wisely, i felt happy. really happy. i could finally trust him with anything. "congrats gguk!! your tae tae passed the test successfully."
"thanks a lot jennie" i chuckled, "no problem! now go to him, he needs to know you forgave him, am i right?"
"yeah, you're right.."
we bid our goodbyes and i immediately went back home.

i knocked on the door and taehyung didn't take long to open it. when he saw me, i had my bunny smile printed on my face. he smiled back when he noticed it, but he looked tired, which got me really worried. i hugged him really tight, he got shocked but still hugged me back. i nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck as we stayed like that for a while. after that i broke the hug and looked at his confused face. "let's go in" i said and we both go inside the house.

i decided to give him a hint so he could figure out by himself that he's forgiven. but if he didn't i will tell him tomorrow.
"w-wha-" he was lost in his words and that was obvious. i chuckled as it looked cute, but his exhausted expression once again hurt me. i walked up to him "are you okay..?" i quietly asked him with a worried face, "yeah, why wouldn't i be?"
"you look tired.. how about you sleep now, tomorrow you will be better" i smiled at him, he smiled back and nodded. we both then went to sleep.
well- guess i'll tell him tomorrow..
to be continued...
yooooo whats upppp
thanks for readinggg :>
how are you???
omfg im so exhausted rn idk what to say-
stay safeeee🤍

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