🍢-Part 11

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taehyung froze.. 'h-he still loves me?'
there they were, standing in front of each other without uttering another word. taehyung was surprised, jeongguk was hurt.
they stayed like this for good 5 minutes, until jeongguk decided, he had enough. "that's it. i'm done." he said sternly, about to storm back into his current room. only to be stopped by the older boy, "w-wait.."
"what?" jeongguk turned around.
"j-jeongguk.. d-do you really.. still love me?"
jeongguk didn't say anything. instead, he ran as fast as he could to the room. taehyung frowned, "after everything i did to you..?" he mumbled to himself.

Jennie's POV:
i woke up to the sound of someone crying. i got up and stepped out of my room to see what was going on.. as i did, i heard jeongguk crying madly in the room he was staying, while taehyung was standing blankly in the middle of the living room. did he do something stupid again?

i quickly walked towards taehyung's direction, "what happened?" i asked. "did you upset him again?" he looked at me for a second before replying, "he still loves me.."
"what?" jennie tilted her head, not knowing what exactly taehyung meant by that,
"jennie.. after everything i did to him, he still loves me.."
jennie now understood what taehyung was talking about, she shook her head, "what did you expect taehyung? what do you think why he's been so miserable?" she sounded like she was about to cry.

just when taehyung opened his mouth and was about to say something, a sound of a door opening could be heard. both turned to see who it was..

they saw jeongguk walking out of a room, dragging a plenty of bags behind him. without taking a glance at any of them, he walked straight to the front door, "jeongguk!" jennie shouted, which caused the maknae to stop, still not bothering to face them. "y-you're not going."
"yes i am. nothing can stop me."
"jeongguk stop this shit right now."
"once again, who the frick are you to tell me what to do?"

jeongguk finally turned around, eyes getting a little wet, "i said nothing and no one can stop anymore. i don't belong to any of you, so i can do whatever the fuck i want to do. i'm tired of being treated like trash by you kim taehyung. and i don't want to be a burden to you jennie, what's forcing you to keep an annoying brat like me in your house?"
"you're n-" jennie tried to speak only to get cut off by jeongguk, who continued on with his speech, "and i don't want to feel pain anymore. knowing that you, tae, don't love me anymore and probably never did, only makes it worse. so please stay away from me. i'll move on." he finished and opens the door, taking his suitcase out first.

"gguk please hear me out-.." the older tried to defend himself. "enough. i'm not buying the bullshit you say anymore. all you do is literally lie."

jeongguk stormed out of the house, tears falling nonstop. he didn't know where to go. he can't return back home. he can't go to taehyung's house nor jennie's. he has no one. he didn't know where to go. jimin was his one and only friend. and he knew jimin wasn't coming back until school starts.

he stopped walking midways. he just stood there, feeling nothing but numbness. he stared in the nowhere.
"w-what do i do.."
to be continued...
yes, that's right, i aint dead
im soooooooo sorry for the late update, things been going on and i couldn't be active :(
i promise to upload in a not so long time from now on
i love you all and stay safeeee🍧

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