🍢-Part 6

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what was gonna happen next?
~next morning~
Jeongguk's POV:
i woke up, not expecting to see tae sleeping next to me. seems like i woke up earlier this time. but it's still dark outside.. i grab my phone to check the time, oh never mind, it's 3am. why did i wake up so early??

i tried to drift back to sleep but i couldn't, so i decided to get up and wash my face. after that i took my phone from the bedroom and went to the living room. i couldn't think straight, to be honest, since taehyung told me during dinner that he was meeting her again i started having a bad feeling. i don't know why, i just think it won't be for good. i tried to shrug my thoughts off by watching youtube videos or sum, it still didn't work.

Taehyung's POV:
i woke up just like everyday, at 5am. i always get up early without any reason, i just like it. but what surprised me was that jeongguk wasn't sleeping beside me. the bed was empty. i started to get worried, did he leave? did he find out about me and jennie? is he doubting something?
i quickly got up and ran towards the living room, just to make sure he didn't leave the house. when i went there, i saw him curled up in a ball on the floor, sobbing and crying his eyes out. i immediately walked up to him and bent down reaching his height. "ggukie..? why are you crying? did someone hurt you? did i do something? what happened??" i asked him questions nonstop.

he just looked at me with his teary eyes and said "d-do you have to m-meet your friend today..?" his voice held worry.
"what do you mean?" i frowned.
"can you meet her on another day?"
"why? did something happen? did she tell you something?"
"n-no.. i just.. have a bad feeling about it.. i don't know why.. tae.. i-i don't want you to meet her today.!" i was a bit surprised.. did he see something? does he know anything?
"g-gguk.. d-did anyone talk to you? did you see something you didn't like? tell me.."
"no. nothing happened. but what happened yesterday made me worried and scared. i don't want it to happen again."
i stared at him for good two minutes. i was so lost in my thoughts that i didn't notice him waving his hand in front of me.

Jeongguk's POV:
tae suddenly stared at me for a while. i waved my hand in front of his face "tae?" he didn't respond at first. "taehyung!!" i called once again but still didn't get a respond. i sighed and tapped on his shoulder, just then, he flinched "s-sorry" he hesitantly said. "what's wrong?" i asked furiously. "nothing. when did you wake up?" his face suddenly changed. "3am" he looked too shocked "what?! why did you wake up so early?"
"i don't know.. i tried to go back to sleep but i couldn't."
"hyung.. are you.. still gonna go..?"
"yeah, why not? there's no reason to be scared jeongguk, nothing will happen."
"b-but.. i want to spend time with you.. i literally came two days ago and yesterday i barely got to see you." i got a bit upset. but he didn't seem to like it.. at all.

"does it look like i care? i also have other friends jeongguk. you're not the only one in my life! i want to have fun with my friends!!" he raised his voice.
"b-but.. what about me..?" my eyes again teared up.
"you can go out with your friends as well! who's stopping you?!"
"i-i only have jimin.. and he's on vacation with his family, out of korea." i said lowering my head and went back to the bedroom.

i threw myself on the bed and started crying while talking to myself, every few words coming after a sob escaping my mouth. "am i a burden to him as well? why am i like this? i hate myself. everything i do is wrong. i'm annoying my own boyfriend without noticing!! why can't i be a better boyfriend? i can't leave.. i have nowhere else to go.. what should i do?! UGH JEON JEONGGUK YOU'RE SO STUPID!!" i yelled out the last sentence.

3rd person POV:
tae sat there, listening to the younger's painful words. he sounded so broken. but something in taehyung told him to not pay attention at all. and he listened...

~time skip; 2 hours later~
it's now 8:30am. tae's meeting is supposed to be at 10. so he just started getting ready. jeongguk on the other hand had tried to convince tae to stay with him for this day, but still failed. he wanted to spend time with his boyfriend.. he loves him too much.

anyways, tae got ready and was about to leave, when a broken voice asked him, "when are you coming back?"
"i don't know. but don't wait for me."
the younger sighed. he didn't like the idea at all. he just nodded and left to the bathroom as the older left. jeongguk closed the door and slid his back against it, low key breaking down "why am i feeling this? why does it feel like he doesn't love me anymore? he doesn't show emotions anymore. what happened to him?"

~time skip; at jennie's house~
"baby why did you take so long??" jennie pouted as she opened the door for her 'boyfriend'. "sorry babe, i had to finish something at home." he said as he hugged her and gave her a peck on the lips.
"don't you wanna show me your house? i've always wanted to visit you!!" she claimed in excitement. but taehyung froze at her request. "w-what?"
"why not? is there something?" jennie asked worriedly.
"hm? oh n-no it's nothing.. but uhm.. you know i live with my friend right?"
"yea. but i can get to know him! it's not a problem is it?"
"no its's not, you can come whenever you want!" tae smiled at her.
"thanks hehe" she chuckled.
"but now let's have some fun, hm?" tae's voice suddenly became huskier and deeper. that made jennie a little scared, tho she knew exactly what he meant.

shortly, she won't be walking after this..

while with jeongguk, he's trying to sleep so time would go by faster. but his thoughts keep interrupting him. he's trying so hard, but he fails. he keeps talking to himself while staring at the walls. it's too much for him. he didn't eat at all today. he looks miserable.
he stayed like that for hours, sitting on the bed and thinking, until the noise of the door opening stopped his train of thoughts. he jumped out of bed and ran towards the door, only to see tae with another girl he didn't know. he immediately guessed it'd be his boyfriend's 'friend'.

"hello.." jeongguk bowed out of respect, not wanting the girl to have a bad impression of him.
"hello. you're so cute omg, you don't have to bow, i'm not a president or some haha." both chuckled.
"gguk what's for lunch?"
"um i didn't cook anything, b-but i can do it now! what would you like to eat?"
"i don't know, jen what do you think?"
"anything is okay, i'm excited to taste your food- what's your name again?"
"it's jeongguk" he said with a smile.
"ohh right, sorry heh, anyway, i'm jennie, nice to meet you!" she said as she gave him her hand to greet him properly.
"nice to meet you too.." they shook hands and then went to the living room.
"i'll go cook something then!" jeongguk excused himself and headed to the kitchen.

"baby, what do you think about jeongguk?"
"he's nice and cute and very respectful. i think he's a good person."
"that's great, actually, jeongguk is one of the closest people to me."
"that's good, but does he know about us?"
"hm? no i didn't tell him yet. i'll tell him when it's the right time okay babe?"

but little did they know, someone has accidentally heard every single word they said...
to be continued...
thankkkk youuuuu for reading so far and i hoppeeeee u liked it hehe^

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