🍢-Part 10

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Taehyung's POV:
the doctors took jeongguk to a room and me and jennie stayed outside. it was obvious that jennie had a more worried look than me..but to be honest, i was worried like no one else could ever be, i just didn't show it. i was so worried that something bad will happen to my- i mean jeongguk.

we waited outside for about 30 minutes, until the docor came out. both of us ran to his direction. "doctor, i-is he okay?" jennie asked in a hurry. "tho his health was unsteady, he's in a stable situation now." the doctor stated, which made the both of us sigh in relief. "can we see him?" i asked, "yes, you may go in. but please be careful and don't let him express a lot of emotions, it could worsen the situation." he warned us a last time before we went inside.

it was painful..

seeing jeongguk laying on the hospital bed with wires attached to him while staring at the ceiling just broke my heart.
it's because of me, right?
yea. it is.

i hated seeing him like this.

do i still love him? i don't know anymore.. i just know that i needed to do something about it any time soon..
but for now, i'll keep quiet.

Jennie's POV:
i've noticed taehyung's worried face. it was obvious that he wanted to hide it at any cost but he just couldn't. you could see the fear in his eyes, as if the world was about to go down.

as we walked into the room, we saw jeongguk laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. tho it broke my heart, i could never explain how broken taehyung looked when he saw him.
that's when i knew, taehyung still loved him.

we sat on the extra chairs next to the bed. "j-jeongguk?" i called not so loud. he turned his head towards me and flashed a smile. a fake one. "h-how are you feeling?" i asked. he whispered out, "i'm okay.." his voice still sounded so weak.

"j-jeongguk.." taehyung finally spoke. jeongguk looked at him. his smile faded. instead, a tear rolled down his cheeks. his eyes were dull and his face became pale. then i wondered what taehyung has to say.

"i-i.." taehyung struggled getting his words together. but before he knew, the doctor came in. "jeongguk how are you feeling now?" the doctor asked. "i'm fine, can i go home doc.?" jeongguk said innocently. "if you're really feeling well, then i guess you can go home by now. let me just take the wires off." doctor smiled as he started taking off all wires one by one. "thanks doc." gguk smiled back. after a while he was done, "alright then, i'll get going, take care!" doctor said before leaving the room again.

"ggukie are you sure you can go home?" i asked him just to check him. "mhm. i'm feeling much better than before." i was about to ask about what had happened and how, but i decided to shut up because it might worsen his situation, as the doctor told us earlier. "noona are you ok?" he said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "o-oh yeah i'm fine! let's go home?"

"mhm!" i helped jeongguk get out of bed and walk towards my car along with taehyung. we got into the car, jeongguk in the backseat so he won't get hurt incase something happened.
we drove to my house. when we arrived there we just casually sat in the living room.

3rd person POV:
the three sat on two different couches, jeongguk and jennie sat on the large couch and taehyung sat on the other small couch that was placed on the opposite of them.

"jennie, i think i can't stay here any longer. i'm becoming a burden to you. and you should focus on yourself, not me." jeongguk honestly said. "what? no! jeongguk i will not leave you alone! where will you stay?" jennie shockingly replied. "it doesn't matter. i don't want to bother you anymore. you're already stressed out so much."
"jeongguk what are you talking about? are you kidding me?"
"i-i'm sorry.. i-i just don't want you to hate me." he started tearing up.
"gguk no! oh god.." she said as she pulled him into a tight hug.

taehyung just sat there silently, watching them hugging, his jealousy eating him up.
"jeongguk." he finally said something, making the two break the hug and look directly at him. "h-hm..?" jeongguk hesitantly answered. "why don't you come back home with me?" the older asked sincerely. without hesitation this time, jeongguk just answered immediately "no."
"you hate me."
"i-i don-"
"please. just- no." jeongguk sighed before continuing, "i'll be leaving by tomorrow. thanks for everything." he said and stormed into the room he stayed at.

he threw himself on the bed and started crying. "why does it have to be like this?!" he sobbed.

taehyung and jennie were arguing on the other hand. "why did you have to do this?"
"do what?"
"cheat on him!"
"i don't know! i didn't feel love anymore."
"taehyung we both know you do."
"i-i really don't know.." tae lowered his head. jennie sighed and hugged him tight. "we'll fix it." she said calmly. tae hugged her back and thanked her dearly.

~time skip: the next morning~
taehyung had slept at jennie's house last night, since he also left some of his clothes here when they were still together.

jeongguk was the first one to wake up. he had finished packing his stuff already last night, so he was ready to leave. but instead, he decided to wait a little bit. he needed to thank jennie once again, and.. well, say goodbye to both of them.

he went to the kitchen and drank some water and headed to the living room afterwards. but there was taehyung sleeping. deciding not to disturb, he was about to go back to his room, when he was stopped by someone calling out his name. "jeongguk.." he heard taehyung say faintly in his sleepy voice. he turned around and saw tae just getting up.

"g-good morning.." the younger stuttered. "gguk why are you stuttering? did i scare you?" tae chuckled, not noticing the sad look on jeongguk's face. "n-no. not that." he responded quietly. just then tae got more serious, "gguk are you okay?" he asked as he got closer to the younger. "yeah."
"what's bothering you?"
jeongguk looked up at him. "i love you." he didn't realize tears were falling down his cheeks.

taehyung froze.. 'h-he still loves me?'
to be continued...
im backkkk uffff
sorry this a short chapter skkfjjjfu
i hope yall still enjoyed it and plz comment your thoughts about it
love u and stay safe🍧

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