🍢-Part 9

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"what did i do..?"

~at Jennie's house~
"jeongguk, i'm so sorry, i really didn't know anything.." said jennie, with guilt in her eyes. "jennie it's okay, i don't blame you. i know you didn't know anything.." jeongguk replied trying to calm her down. "i really don't know why taehyung did this.." she sighed "it's fine noona, he just didn't love me anymore, it's okay." his voice held pain, and that was obvious.

jeongguk got tired of all the drama that happened that day. he just wanted to calm down his thoughts and sleep. "noona, w-where am i gonna sleep?" he shyly asked. "oh, yeah, there's an extra room next to mine, you can sleep there." she replied nicely. "thank you so much." jeongguk appreciated everything she did to him. without her, he would be sleeping on the streets now. "no need to thank gguk, now go to sleep, you look exhausted." she offered him, and so he did.

on the other hand, tae was confused. he didn't know what to do. he kept telling himself he didn't love jeongguk anymore, but now he lost both of them. he doesn't know who he loves anymore. it made him hella mad that jeongguk was sleeping at jennie's house. not that he's jealous, but those two barely even know each other, those were his thoughts that night, before going to sleep.

~the next day~
jennie woke up to the noise of someone coughing. she quickly got up and ran towards jeongguk's current room, only to see jeongguk about to choke on his own coughs. she quickly got some water and gave it to him, but he refused. "i-i c-can't b-breathe.." he managed to mutter out his words. but jennie didn't know what to do. she tried to think of a solution, and came to an idea to call the doctor. after she did that, she tried to help jeongguk in any way possible.

~time skip~
the doctor came out of the room after he managed to help the choking boy. "doctor, w-what happened? is he okay?" jennie asked worriedly. "don't worry, he's fine. turns out he's been crying all night long.. his eyes are pretty puffy, but his breath is steady now. i don't know, he might've choked on something, which is possible to be his tears he's been letting out.." the doctor stated.

jennie looked down before asking "c-can i check on him?"
"sure, but he's asleep now. please don't wake him up, he needs rest."
"o-okay, thank you doc." she said and then went inside the room.

"i'm so sorry ggukie.."

~Taehyung's POV~
should i go to jen's house? will she let me in? should i talk to jeongguk? what should i do? i'm so frustrated..
i think i'll just go and talk to both of them later today..

~time skip: 4pm~

~Jennie's POV~
jeongguk had woken up just 2 hours ago, he must've been really tired. we were watching tv, when we heard the door bell rimg. "i'll go get it." i said before walking to the front door, as i opened it, i saw taehyung standing there with piercing eyes, glaring at me.

"is jeongguk inside?" he asked with his deep voice. "yes, why do you need him?" i suspiciously looked at him. he noticed that and said "i'll tell you both if you let me in." i sighed. "fine. come in" i stepped aside as he walked in.

when we headed to the living room, jeongguk was already standing in front of us, he had fear in his eyes, i quickly came to conclusion that heard what tae had just said. "what do you want?" jeongguk asked with his shaky voice. "i need to talk to you." taehyung stated.

~3rd person POV~
jeongguk was shaking out of fear. taehyung seemed to notice that, by holding him close, but jeongguk quickly stepped back. "d-don't touch me.." at this point, jennie decided to leave the two alone. she went to her room, still a bit worried.

"jeongguk you're not staying here!!"
"who are YOU to decide what i have to do?!"
"i'm your fucking boyfriend."
"shut up jeon jeongguk."

the younger broke down in tears, out of frustration, he almost collapsed. taehyung just stood there, not bothering to comfort the broken boy.
after a while, jeongguk calmed down, the two boys were sitting on different couches, complete silent between, until jeongguk decided to break it.

"why?" he asked.
"what why?"
"why did you have to do this?" he said, about to cry again.
"i just don't love you anymore." tae rudely answered.
jeongguk's heart clenched, "d-did i do something?"
"i got tired of you, you're just annoying!" those words pierced jeongguk's heart like a knife.
"i-i understand, but you could've told me, instead of cheating."
"i don't know, i just felt bad because your parents kicked you out and you had nowhere else to go.."
"i-i trusted you.." cried the younger boy.
"well, you shouldn't." said the older rudely.

jeongguk suddenly felt weak. his heart hurt so much, along with his head. he didn't feel like talking anymore. he just held onto his chest as he felt it sting. he fell on the ground, tae got.. worried? "j-jeongguk? is u ok mate?" he frowned and went up to jeongguk only to find him unconscious. "jeongguk oh my god- J-JENNIE COME HERE!!" he shouted on top of his lungs. jennie came running towards him, "WHAT HAPPENED?!" she screamed as she saw jeongguk lying on the ground.

"i-i don't know, he suddenly started holding his head and then he collapsed." tae explained.
"we need to get him to the hospital asap." jennie said as she got her car keys and headed towards her car.
taehyung carried jeongguk bridal style and followed her. both got into the car, and jennie drove full speed to the nearest hospital.

as soon as they arrived, they ran inside...
to be continued...
ik theres not many people reading this, but yeah, whatever heh
i hope u guys enjoyed reading thissss^
comment your thoughts and plz support me
ily all and stay safeeee🕊

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