[ Gameboy - i ]

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[ when two new guards are hired to guard the Winter Soldier's cell, Angelika finds interest in a little device called a 'gameboy' ]

Sometime in 2000

THE WINTER SOLDIER DIDN'T mind the presence of the guards as much as Angelika did. He kept his posture, and stared ahead of him at the empty wall that took his sanity away. He knew the moment he felt anything, they would put him back in the chair, so he refused to feel, and stayed determinedly numb.

Angelika was different- of course, she was a child- and she found the men absolutely terrifying. Every small movement they made caused her to sprint right into her papa's lap, afraid she'd done something wrong, and they'd come in to take either one away. The guards were always the same- they'd sneer at them, wave their freedom in their faces and remain silent.

Whenever they happened to enter the cell, the Winter Soldier would stand and put Angelika behind him. He had the undeniable urge to protect the little- the little thing- the gift?- the living, and breathing girl- and bared his teeth at anyone who stepped too close to her.

Of course, the guards were rarely ever kind to them- they had no compassion for weapons, or a little girl that was strictly under the Winter Soldier's care.

That was their job after all- the guards were supposed to induce the fear of god in her little poor heart. And for a while HYDRA hired the right people.

But one day HYDRA introduced a new set of guards.

"Солдат, встань."

Soldier, stand up.

Colonel Karpov ordered, and the Winter Soldier stood to his feet silently. Angelika stood next to her papa, eyes flickering to the door with curiosity. The colonel clicked his tongue and she quickly stared at the floor, heart drumming against her ears.

Two guards stepped inside of the cell, and the soldier stiffened- there was only ever one reason why guards ever entered the cell, and it was never good. Angelika let out a low whimper and jumped onto her papa, grasping onto his shoulders and snuggling her head within the crook of his neck.

He placed a warm arm around her body, and she clutched onto him with trembling hands.

"Если вы останетесь здесь на один день, я уволю других агентов, и проблема будет решена."

If you stay here for one day, I'll fire the other agents, and the problem will be solved.

The colonel said with a roll of his eyes and the Winter Soldier tilted his head a fraction of an inch. For a split second he wondered what the problem was- had the other agents bullied the two standing in front of him? Could HYDRA agents even get fired?- and he watched as the colonel left without another word, shutting the door with a click.

The two guards didn't look afraid at all, instead, they put their guns against the door and pulled out a square device.

Angelika pried her eyes open and turned her head to look at them as they clicked buttons and laser sound effects went off. She patted her papa's shoulders and he gently placed her on the ground.

The soldier was conflicted- Colonel Karpov didn't give him a direct order and he wasn't sure what he was meant to do. He could either return sitting, or kill the two men in front of him. He didn't know what the right thing to do was, or well, the right thing HYDRA wanted him to do.

CHILD one-shots | james b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now