Chapter 12

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It was a sleepless night. The guilt still lingered inside me. Seeing Armin becoming worse didn't make it better.

Unconsciously, my hand reached for the key necklace around my neck.

It was a habbit that developed when the feeling started to stir inside.

I walked out from the guest room, passing by Armin's room, directly to the kitchen to get some water.

My steps were fast, but still careful not to make any noise to wake him up.

The feeling came again. And all of a sudden it was suffocating in there.

I wanted to take a stroll again at the beach. But if Armin finds out I was gone at this time of the day, I know he'll freak out again.

So, I just sat down on the sofa and stared at the sparkling ocean through the glass window.

The vast ocean that held infinite freedom. The freedom that, maybe, could take me away from all of this.

But can I really be free? free from these chains that I had put on myself,

Sometimes I wonder, When will this punishment end? or when will the guilt stop? or will all of these just disappear one day?

Time passed by so quickly when my mind wonders - I could see the sun rise already. 

I was wide awake, eventhough I felt tired. But then again, I always feel tired. 

It was 6 in the morning already. I could hear rustles from Armin's room. So I decided to get up from the sofa to prepare a simple breakfast.

Toasts with honey or jam would do. And a cup of coffee for me and a glass of juice for Armin.

Well, he doesn't like coffee. And he only stock in coffee for me and Mikasa usually, or other guests.

A few minutes later, The bedroom door creaked open revealing the bob-blond.

"Morning," I greeted him,

"Good Morning..." He said while rubbing one of his eyes with the back of his hand.

He covered his mouth as he yawned again, then proceeded to the bathroom next to the room.

I was still waiting for the last batch of toast to pop up from the toaster, when my phone vibrated in my sweatpants' pocket.

I took it out from the pocket and saw the notification on the screen. 'Horse face' showed up on it.

He messaged me about yesterday's replacement shift. And not forgetting to thank, the O' So Great, me for it. Hashtag smug smile for Horse face.

After a chat with him, the toaster made a sound telling me the toasts were ready. Armin finished doing his business in the bathroom by the time breakfast preparation was done.

I sat a stool away from him to give us space to eat. I eyed his face for a moment while chewing my toast. He looked refreshed from yesterday. And that's good news.

"Are you replacing Jean's shift today too?" The blond said breaking the silence,

"Nope.. free for the day." I continued eating the last bite of my toast, as he finished his already.

"Wanna go for a walk?" I asked after cleaning my mouth with a tissue.

He looked from me to the glass door, leading to the beach outside. His face was hesitant for a moment.

"Come on.. Please accompany me for a walk, oh lord, Armin," I said with a cheeky smile,

He pouted his mouth when he heard the teasing. But returned with a smile,

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