Chapter 2

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A/N: Sorry I didn't update this in literally 3 weeks. I wasn't sure if people would actually read it or not, but people did. In really surprised, but anyway, here's Chapter 2.

Maya's POV

"Maya!" Riley yelled as she ran over to me. "Maya why did you storm off?!?" she yelled. "Because Riley, I couldn't watch, I just couldn't!" I pleaded trying to get her to understand. She took some deep breaths and sat down next to me. "Wait a minute Maya, you couldn't watch him because you were afraid he was gonna get hurt?" she said. "Yes Riley and now he won't be hearing from me for a little while." I replied. "Maya that's ridiculous." she chuckled. "Riley it's not funny, this isn't funny!" I yelled. "Maya you're being irrational and ridiculous, Lucas didn't do anything wrong!" she said again I could hear her getting upset again. "Yes he did Riles, Lucas could've gotten hurt on that stupid bull!" I yelled and ran away, having no idea where I would actually go. "You can't run from your problems forever Maya!" Riley yelled as I ran just ignoring her.

I decided to run to the fire pit behind Pappy Joe's house and just sit and stare at the empty fire pit. The sun was starting to go down but it wasn't quite dark yet. "Maya!" Riley yelled once she seen me. She sat down next to me and just stared at me. "What Riley, I have nothing I can say to you." I said to her in a serious tone. " Maya what's the real reason you couldn't watch Lucas ride Tombstone?" She asked. "I already told you Riley, I didn't want to see him get hurt." I said to her giving me a look of disbelief. "Maya, I know that's not the real reason you couldn't watch him, I'm your best friend, you can tell me the real reason." I gave her a long sigh, but didn't say anything. "Maya...wait. Not only could you not watch him because you were afraid something would happen to him, but you like him Maya, I can tell. You like Lucas!" I just sat there for a minute. "No I don't Riles, I just don't!" I yelled because I knew she was right. But, there was something deeper I wasn't telling her.

We sat there in silence for a while Riley was just staring at me. "Maya, something's up, what is it, you know you can tell me." she asked. "Riles, I-I'm scared t-to tell y-you. I stuttered. "Maya, you know you can tell me anything. I took a really deep breath and said "I'm pregnant." I said really quickly then realized what I just said and I started crying. Riley wiped away my tears, "Maya, its gonna be okay." she said as she pulled me in for a hug. " I cried into her shoulder. "Shh, shh." she said rubbing my back "It's okay." she said which made me start to calm down and I pulled away from her. "Now Maya, how did this happen and whose is it?" she asked quietly.

"Well, it's kind of a long story..."

A/N: My first kinda cliffhanger. I hope you enjoyed, not sure when I'll update next, just watch out.

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