Chapter 15

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading my story, I hope you've enjoyed reading it. Make sure to vote and comment so I know you like it, you don't have to of course, but I'd really appreciate it. In this chapter, Maya and Lucas will go on a date, and Lucas will ask Shawn about proposing to Maya. I don't have much else to say, so I hope you enjoy!

Lucas's POV

I bought the ring yesterday, and keeping this secret has been so so hard. Today, I was going to ask Shawn if I could propose and I was so nervous. I had about 3 hours to kill before them so I decided to text Maya to see if she wanted to hang out.

Lucas: Hey babe

Maya: Don't call me that

Lucas: No, I was just trying to think of a pet name

Maya: Well, I am short, and you called me short stack of pancakes that one time, so how about short stack

Lucas: Ok, Short Stack

Maya: So what did you want Huckleberry

Lucas: Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to go to Topanga's

Maya: Sure, why not

Lucas: See you in 10

Maya: Ok

What Maya didn't know was I had a picnic set up at the park as well, I was going to order a smoothie(with 2 straws obviously), and after that we would go to the park and have a picnic.

Maya arrived and I had already ordered the smoothie and was sitting in the booth we always did. "Hey Huckleberry." She said. "Hey short stack, I got us a smoothie, after I have a surprise for you." I said with a smirk. "Ok, I'm already excited." She said as she sat down. She picked up the smoothie and we both took a sip. I took her hand and we interlocked our fingers together, then she laid her head on my shoulder like she always does.

We finished the smoothie and started to head to the park. "Huckleberry, where are we going?" She asked. "You'll see, we're almost there, close your eyes." I said. "Fine, but I'm trusting you, just remember, I'm carrying your future kids." She said, causing me to chuckle. "Don't worry, you can trust me." We got to the park and I sat her down on the picnic blanket.

"Huckleberry, what is all this?" She asked me, I could see tears forming in her eyes. "I did this for you." I said. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I said, after that, we sat down and started to eat the stuff in the basket. I had packed Maya's favorites, PB and J, Cheetos, and brownies, of course the brownies were homemade. "Huckleberry?" She said, I heard confusion in her voice. "Yeah Short Stack?" I said. "Do you love me?" She said, I was so confused, I only had one reaction. It was almost immediate, I smashed my lips into hers in a passionate kiss. 

"Does that answer your question?" I asked. "Actually that answer wasn't actually clear, I think you need to answer it again." She said with a smirk. I smirked at her as I kissed her in a long passionate make-out. We kinda got carried away with each other and got lost in each other. We kissed for what felt like forever, in reality I think it was only 5 minutes. She pulled away and said, "Wow Huckleberry, that was incredible." She said, she sounded so out of breath. "Yeah, wanna do it again?" I asked with the biggest smirk on my face. "Do you even have to ask?" She said as she kissed me.

After that I took her to Riley's because that's what she wanted. I needed her out of the house so I could ask Shawn if I can propose to Maya. 

I got to Shawn's and knocked on the door. "Lucas, what are you doing here, Maya has been gone for a few hours." He said. "Actually, I came to talk to you, sir." I said. I started to get a bit nervous. "Oh, well, come in." He said. I went inside and we sat on opposite sides of the coffee table. "So Lucas, what did you want to talk about." He said. "Uh, actually, I wanted to talk about Maya." I said. "What about Maya, is something wrong, is the is about the bab-" "I love her." I cut him off. "Oh, so what are you going to do about that?" He asked. "Actually, I wanted your permission to propose to her." I said. 

"YOU WANNA WHAT NOW?" He shouted in utter shock. "I love Maya so much, I want to marry her." I said. "Are you serious, you're only 16, Maya's almost 16, are you sure you really wanna make that choice so early?" He asked. "I've never been more sure about something in my life." I said. "Ok, you have my permission, you got the ring on you?" He asked. "Yeah, you wanna see?" I asked. "Yeah, I wanna see how well you know her." He said, I pulled out the ring. "Wow, you got a black engagement ring." He said. "Yeah, it thought it would fit the way she dresses better." I said. "Wow, you do know her." He said. 

"So Lucas, how are you gonna do it?" He asked. "Well, since technically, Maya is still illegal to get engaged, and since she turns 16 in a few weeks, I was gonna do it then, I planned on taking her to dinner on top of Riley's apartment building since that spot seems to really matter to her." I said. "Wow, you really put a lot of thought into this." He said. "Yeah, I told you, I love her, of course I did." I said. "Yeah, you can propose, I'm sure she feels the same way, I've never seen her the way she is the right now." He said. "Yeah, and I've got to do this now because someone once told me that 'The present is our future past, so we've gotta make this moment last, RIGHT NOW.' and I believed them, I have to make how I feel in this moment right now about Maya, last forever, and I have to do it now, not later, but now." I said. "Man, Maya's not kidding when she says you would make a great fortune cookie." He said. "Why does this always happen to me, I guess you two really are the same." I said. "Yeah, I guess we are, and Riley is Cory, they'll be together longer than you and her ever could, no offense." He said. "None taken, I know you're right." I said. 

"So, what else are you gonna do before then?" He asked. "Actually, I was gonna talk to Riley about it too, since like you said, they'll be together longer than me and Maya ever could be. I'd ask Katy too, but as you know, none of us are completely sure if she's coming back anytime soon." I said. "I think that's a good idea Lucas." He said. "Yeah, and after that, I just have to play the waiting game."

A/N: So, Lucas is going to propose to Maya, so wait for that, next chapter, Lucas asks Riley about the proposal. Soon you guys will learn the genders of the babies. Exciting things will be happening so fast, I know Halloween was yesterday, but there will be a Halloween chapter in a couple of chapters. After that, there's Maya's birthday, the proposal, something happens between Lucas and Riley, something happens between Maya and Riley, after Maya had that encounter with Josh, something might happen between them. I hope you guys don't think my chapters are too short, I try to make long chapters, but I just don't know how, I also hope you guys don't think I'm moving this story along too fast or too slow, if I am, you can private message me, or you can leave a comment, or I  made an Instagram account for my fanfictions and you can dm that if you want, I know that this is a long author's note, but I apparently had a lot to say. Anyway, with all that said, I hope you had a good daylight savings, I hope you have a good November. Have a good day guys!

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