Working Overtime

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Hello, I am moji_xi. This is the first book I've ever written on wattpad so it isn't really the greatest, but I hope you can tolerate it.
This is a rusger story but it has nothing to do with politics or history.


The city streets were still bustling, noisy crowds rushed to cross the road while cars and buses continued to drive steadily, stuck in the usual traffic that came despite how late it was. The stars were hidden by the metropolises smog and blinding city lights, it was disappointing, but regular.

Germany walked down the dimmed street, huddling close into his coffee coloured scarf as the cold winds blew against him. His pale face was flushed red from the freezing temperatures,
He'd never liked working past midnight, as he never got any rest, and walking home late at night in the cold was never enjoyable.
The small country turned into a darker, more secluded alleyway, keeping his head to the ground and focusing on his own footsteps. Hours like this was when the streets were crawling with gangs, drunks and whoever else was stupid enough to wander around now. Running into those types people always scared him, but he tried to be polite and kind enough so they would leave him alone.

"Hey. You."
A grumbling voice came from behind him, making the country freeze up. He gulped and turned around to see who was talking to him, taking a small step back.

"Do you know where you are ?"
The voice was low and gravelly, clearly a males. It sounded agitated, yet calm. Germany could feel the glares through the darkness.

"No.. I..was just taking a shortcut home. I'm sorry to bother you, I really should get going."

He could barely see the taller figure in this lighting, but he could make out a few things. Misty lavender-blue eyes that almost glowed in the dark, a strongly built body and what looked to be a hat, perched on his head with two fluffy ear flaps that covered his ears.
That's when it hit him. He knew who this was. The leader of one of the most well known and feared gangs in the city.

Russia himself.

Overtime - rusger ficWhere stories live. Discover now