Overtime part 10

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sorry for the wait between chapters

at the start i was updating daily but I'm much, much busier nowadays.

kinda stressed by it ngl, i never really planned how this would end. so many people seem to be enjoying it and looking forward to the following chapters when i haven't planned it that far

anyways, i really am so happy that people like this story. i just need to be more organised.

tysm for so many reads ! it honestly seems amazing to me- I never expected any more than 30-


Russia's eyes narrowed at the question. He brushed his hands over the silk sheets spread messily across the mattress and sat down.

"Sector 7 ? Nothing's happened."

"We both know that isn't true."
He sounded more agitated then he would've liked, but he really was mad. Russia had been growing on him. Ger really had trusted him, even if it was only a little.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Sector 7 is fine. In the same condition as when you left."
The smaller looked to the side. Though he wished he could have faith in russ, everyone else said differently.

"Why don't you believe me ?"

Germany gripped onto the side of the bed. Feeling Russia's glare pierce through him.

"But Canada... you didn't, did you ?"

Russ' heart nearly stopped at the name. His glare seemed to soften up a little, before returning. How... everyone had direct orders never to speak about it. It wasn't hard. They just needed to keep a secret. Germany wasn't supposed to find out about this. That's as he wanted and that's as he planned to keep it.
So with more force than he expected, he grabbed the bed frame and shot up with very clearly gritted teeth.
The curtains fluttered in the breeze, letting more cold air in. It caused Germany's already frozen body to shake more. That reaction hadn't calmed him down at all. If anything it made him more scared.

"Who told you about this ?"

"No, that isn't the point-"

"It was Ukraine, wasn't it ? It has to be."

"Russland please- he was just telling me some things- I pressured him into it-"

Germany panicked as the taller charged out the door, slamming and locking it behind him to keep the smaller from stopping him. He threw the key to the side and made his way down the long wooden stairs.


Germany was furious. He had trusted this man, adored him even. But the room was shut tightly and the windows were barred. There wasn't anything he could do.


It almost felt like a dream. It went so quickly. Not even ten minutes in and Ukraine's already broken body was out of air.

Germany heard the whole thing. The yelling, which was mostly in Russian, the banging, the screaming, the disgusting crunch and snap of bones.

The servants were standing at the doorway, helplessly watching as Russia brutally beat his brother until his body caved in and collapsed. Ukraine was left a gurgling mess on the floor. Taking a few more excruciatingly painful minutes of life before he died of blood loss.

Russia sighed and rubbed his hands on his shirt. Looking over at the maids and chefs staring at him in horror.

"Get rid of him."

He pushed past them and went to take a shower. Not bothering to unlock germanys door.

Those poor maids lifted and carried the lifeless body away, while others stayed to clean the gruesome scene. Everyone was shocked and speechless. Nobody had ever liked Ukraine, not even a little. Especially after their affair with Canada. It made the rest of them a laughingstock, yet death is death. And most of them would never be able to get rid of the image of such a traumatising scene.

Of course, they knew Russia was a dangerous person. Stories and rumours were always going around about what he did behind closed doors. Yet to watch someone's life forcefully drain away from their body while you can only watch is something else.


And as expected. Words and rumours spread like wildfire, everyone heard about. The great Russia, respected and admired, was a merciless killer. It scared the people of his city, even encouraged them to join the Americans. It really couldn't have gone any worse.


So so sorry for the short chapter. I felt really uninspired but here.

If you have any ideas for the endings I'd love to hear it. It'd be nice to incorporate a more interesting finish than what I've thought of.

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