Getting Settled

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Picture is Sophia's bedroom. I couldn't find a good picture so you can imagine it however you want.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Throne of Glass series or anyone you might recognise, I only own Sophia.

🐺🐺🐺CHAPTER 2🐺🐺🐺

I followed Aelin out of what I learned was part of the infirmary, and down a long corridor. The floor was marble with veins of gold running through, each one seemed to be burning and flickering like fire. I wondered if it were natural or...magical. I would have to get used to the idea.

As we descended some stairs ( Aelin seemed to glide down them gracefully, I certainly lacked the amount of grace she had), Aelin chatted to me.

"So what are you interested in?"

"I like music, reading and sort of baking-I always burn everything though." In my defence I owned a dodgy cheap oven.

"SAME! I play the pianoforte and love reading too!" She gushed and I beamed, was I actually bonding with Aelin?

"What is your favourite book?" Her eyes lit up.

"Sunset dreams."

"Never heard of it." Aelin let out a gasp of outrage.

"Well we must remedy that! I'll bring it to you later. Then you can tell me what you think of it. Oh! And Dorian, I suppose he's King Dorian now, is coming to stay in a few days so we can all chat about it." OMG Dorian, what a bae. I forgot he liked reading too! I think I might die, discuss books with Aelin and Dorian? YES PLEASE.

"Alright." Was all I could say. She smiled at me and we turned a corner.

"What instruments do you play?"

"Uh piano..forte like you, though probably not as well, and I sing." She waved a hand.

"I am quite good," There's the Aelin we love, "Wait a second how did you know...oh yes I forgot." She pushed open a door and stepped to the side to allow me to go in first.

I stepped in and my mouth dropped open.

"This is the room you will be staying in." Aelin said softly behind me. The room contained a double bed with a wooden bed frame- the dirty part of me immediately thought about how it was big enough for certain activities with certain fae males- a small table and chairs and a fireplace. There was a door to the side which I assume led to the bathroom. A few pictures dotted the walls and the big window was open, letting in light. It was perfect.

"I love it." I said gazing around and she smiled.

"I'm glad you like it. Dinner is in about two hours so you can take a bath and I'll send some maids to help you get ready." Maids? Get ready? Dinner?

"Its dinnertime already?" My waitressing shift ended at three pm. Sure enough it was dark outside.

"You were unconscious for a few hours." She replied and I nodded. Aelin stared at me for a second then left.

I opened the side door into the bathroom and did a happy dance at the size of the bathtub, it could literally be called a mini pool. I turned the handle and let the warm water fill it. I dumped a small bottle of pale liquid into it that smelled like lavender. After five minutes or so I stripped and sank slowly into the water.

"Ahhhhh." It was heaven, I dunked my head under and furiously scrubbed my hair. I couldn't go to dinner looking terrible. When the water turned cold, I got out and dried myself off. I was pleased to find the lavender scent stuck to me. I dried my hair as best as I could with my towel, wishing for my hair dryer, and brushed it out. In the end I had to leave one stubborn tangle that wouldn't come out. I went back into my room with a towel wrapped around me and jumped as I saw two woman.

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