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Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognise.

🐺🐺🐺CHAPTER 13🐺🐺🐺

A year had passed since our first kiss and I could still remember it clearly. I laughed as I remembered his 'big' confession. 


"Soph," Fenrys cleared his throat, "There's something I need to tell you." 

"OK?" I had a feeling I knew what this was going to be. 

"This is really important, and just so you know I wanted to tell you earlier." 


"And it's probably going to change our relationship, for better or worse I don't know." 

"I know I'm your mate." I stated but he was apparently too invested in his speech to notice. 

"And that scares me. But I'm going to be honest with you, because that's what-wait what?" His head snapped back to me. 

"Yeah I found out ages ago." 

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Why didn't you tell me?" I shot back and he groaned. 

"You are joking. I spent so long writing that speech, which you didn't even let me finish and Aelin was being a bloody nuisance about I-"

"Oh shut up and kiss me you idiot." He obliged. 


The memory still made me laugh, he really was annoyed at the fact that I ruined his speech, something he still brought up. Honestly, he's like a child. Talking of children, I placed a hand on my swollen belly and smiled. We had found out I was pregnant about a month after our wedding. Weirdly the reason Fenrys knew something was wrong was when I didn't eat a second helping of potatoes. At least thats what he says, I reckon he smelt it or something. Idiot. 

The pregnancy has had its ups and downs. And I mean a lot of downs. And not a lot of highs.  Ugh I hate being pregnant. The only benefit is that I can blame my hunger on the baby. But then there's the hormones, I swear I'm crying more than I've cried in my life.


"What wrong love?" Fenrys asked looking concerned.

"I-I-I'm fat." I sobbed pointing to my swollen belly. Fenrys raised an eyebrow.

"Uh yes because of the baby." This brought on a new volume of tears.

"So I am fat! You think I'm fat! You don't love me!" I shouted at him and Fenrys looked like he'd rather be anywhere else. He closed his eyes and swallowed deeply. I pouted and glared at him through the tears. He took my hands gently.

"I think you are the most beautiful woman on the planet." I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

"What about in the universe?"

"The most beautiful woman in the universe." I beamed at him and strolled off, leaving him frowning in confusion.


I was about five days over my expected date to give birth and it was hell. I could barely walk  and my mood was constantly foul. I was sleeping next to Fenrys in our new bed, about an hour after we had gone to sleep, when I clenched my teeth and breathed out slowly as my stomach contracted tightly. Suddenly, something damp wet the mattress. Shit. I moaned at the next contraction and Fenrys shot up, immediately looking over me.

The White Wolf and Me (Fenrys Moonbeam x oc)Where stories live. Discover now