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Disclaimer: I don't own the Throne of Glass series or characters, they belong to Sarah J Maas. I only own Sophia.

Also I cast Manon as this beautiful girl:

Obviously with white hair and I have no clue who she is! She kind of looks like Kristen Stewart but I'm not sure 😅

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Obviously with white hair and I have no clue who she is! She kind of looks like Kristen Stewart but I'm not sure 😅. Let me know!

The picture is Sophia's dress for the dinner

🐺🐺🐺CHAPTER 5🐺🐺🐺

June was ill with some sort of new disease going around, so only Aria got me ready for dinner. A full two hours in advance.

"I know what happened last time! We must get you ready on time." She had told me sternly as she pushed my onto a chair and began to my hair. I had simply laughed and allowed her to do so, enjoying the pampering. If Dorian and Manon were arriving (as they should be), I wanted to make a good impression. Aria tightened the strings on the back of my red dress until it hurt.

"OW!" I exclaimed.

"Beauty. Is. Pain." Aria cried as she struggled to tie the straps. She bent over puffing when she was done.

"Aria, you don't think this'll look bad, like I'm copying Aelin? Cus she wore red last night?" I wrung my hands nervously and Aria laughed.

"Oh no, Her Majesty would probably find it a compliment." I giggled and nodded, that sounds like Aelin.

"Wish me luck." She winked at me and I walked out the door.

I arrived at the dining hall and had to prep myself. I was about to meet one of my favourite characters. And possibly get disembowelled by Manon. Which I honestly wouldn't be too upset about. I hope they like me! For my own safety...

I entered the room and was disappointed too see no king or witch. The rest of the court turned to me, then went back to eating.

"Where's Manon and King Dorian?" I asked as I pulled out a chair and sat next to Rowan.

"There was a huge storm last night. in Adarlan so they couldn't, we are going to visit them." Rowan said gruffly through a mouthful of meat. I made a face. Aelin caught my eye and grinned.

"Wait, going to visit them?" Aelin nodded. "That's so cool!"

"I helped Dorian pick out the decorations!" Lysandra informed me from across the table and I smiled at her.

"The boat leaves at midday and it takes about two days (AN: I have no idea how long it takes, we're gonna pretend it's that long, k?)." Aelin said and I froze. A-a boat? Oh no. I don't do boats. Fear started thumping through my veins and I struggled to keep my face neutral. Fenrys' arm brushed mine and he looked at me concerned.

You okay? He seemed to say and I shrugged.

Fine. He stared at me for a second and I looked away, continuing to eat. I could get over my fear of boats and the sea to go see Adarlan. Yep. Remember all the badass things Aelin has done. She's not scared of boats.

-------Time skip brought to you by a fae male roaring-------

The next morning came too quickly and soon enough I was standing on the docks with a small bag that I borrowed from Aelin.

I panicked and froze as I neared the boat. The sea swelled beneath it furiously.

"O-on second thoughts, I think I'll just uh walk to Adarlan." Rowan didn't even bother looking over his shoulder as he stepped on board.

"It's hundreds of miles."

"Better that than dead." I muttered under my breath.

"Sophia, are you scared of the ocean?" Gavriel asked with his eyebrows raised and I scoffed.

"Of course not." Someone pushed my back and I fell dangerously close before they caught me. I yelped and flung myself at them, clinging on with arms and legs. It was Fenrys. I held onto him shaking.

"I think she's a tad scared." He smirked and I frowned at him.

"Yeah no shit."

"Don't be mean to her or I'll burn you." Aelin said as she stepped onto the boat, my eyes widened in fear for her. She turned and caught my expression.

"It's fine, Soph. We won't let you fall in." She said earnestly and held her hand out. I was too scared to scream with happiness at the fact that she gave me a nickname.

I untangled myself from Fenrys who looked highly amused and slowly held my hand out for hers. Suddenly the sea lurched and Aelin's hand fell as the boat tilted slightly.

"Oh fuck no." I breathed and attempted to run back up the pier. Only to be blocked by Lorcan. He picked me up and swung me over his shoulder.

"Nooo no no noooooo." I whimpered as he started towards the boat. He must be really off balanced with me on his shoulder what if we both fell in. Oh shit. I'd rather walk. I banged on his back. He stepped down and I clenched my eyes shut. Lorcan put me gently back on my feet. Huh didn't know the guy could do gentle-wait. I'm on a boat. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Was the only thing going through my mind as I held my hands out with my legs wide apart, rigid with fear on the deck. I trembled and my muscles strained from being clenched. I tried my best not to look at the frothing sea on either side. The crew stared at me with varying degrees of amusement, Lorcan looked like he didn't give a shit whilst Aelin looked as though she was trying to hold in giggles. Aedion in the other hand was rolling around on the floor with laughter. I didn't have time to feel embarrassed as I was too busy trying not to fall in. And drown. And die. AHHHHHHHHHH!

"I'll take her down to the cabins." Fenrys took pity on me and led me below deck. I stiffly followed him into a corridor that had three doors on either side. He pulled me into one of them and I was briefly impressed by the size. It had a double bed and a small toilet next to it. A wardrobe and tiny armchair decorated the far wall. I staggered over, still not used to the movement of the boat under my feet and collapsed on the bed. I held onto the covers with white fingers.

"Try to relax." He attempted as he jumped on the bed next to me. I turned to him incredulously.

"That's like saying to a homeless person, buy a house. Or a person with a terminal disease to not die." I spat at him and he frowned in confusion.

"Yeah I have no idea what you just said." I rolled my eyes.

"Saying to try to relax is pointless. How the fuck am I supposed to relax?" I gestured wildly around us. His eyes lit up with a gleam.

"I can think of a few ways to help your relax." He leaned over me so that I was lying looking up at him. He leaned in and I pressed a finger to his surprisingly warm lips.

"You know what, I think I'll risk the ocean." He smirked and got up. He walked to the cabin door and I squealed.

"No no no! I didn't mean you could leave me! Don't leave me alone!" He stopped at the doorframe and turned to me grinning. Fenrys slowly stalked back over to me and I pouted and grabbed his arm pulling him back onto the bed. I snuggled into him.

"Don't you say a word." I said angrily as I put his arms around me, cocooning me. It felt strangely comfortable and safe. He tightened his arms slightly and rested his chin on my head.

"Try to get some rest." I nodded and closed my eyes even as I thought about how weird it was to go to sleep this early. I drifted off listening to his heartbeat.

Author's note:

Yeah I don't really have anything to say. I looked at a map of Erilea and Adarlan is definitely more than like two days journey but we are gonna pretend it's two days. What can I say, they must have a really speedy boat. 

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