Daring Rescue

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Throne of Glass series, they belong to Sarah J Maas, I only own Sophia. 

The picture is Sophia's outfit she changes into. I couldn't find a good image that matches the description "tunic and pants", so imagine it as you want.

🐺🐺🐺CHAPTER 6🐺🐺🐺

When I woke up it took me a moment to remember where I was. I gazed out of the small porthole. Endless crystal sea. In every direction. Nothing else. Oh wait there's a seagull. Judging from the sunshine, I could calculate that it was daytime. Amazing I know.  Honestly just trying to distract myself from the fact that I'm on my worst nightmare. 

Part of me wondered where Fenrys had gone. God I asked him to stay with me, how fucking weird? Well there goes all my chances with him. He probably didn't want to embarrass me and just left when I fell asleep. Did I actually think that he might like me? 

Grabbing my bag I pulled out a tunic and a pair pants that Aelin had lent me. I didn't have as defined curves as Aelin and my boobs are slightly larger but other than that the clothes fit pretty well. I left my cabin and slowly made my way down the corridor. I tried not to listen to anything just in case Aelin and Rowan were...you know how it went last time. 

I emerged on the deck and surprise surprise the males were training again.

"You literally trained yesterday, why the hell would you do exercise two days in a row?" I frowned at them as I walked over. They weren't shirtless and I did not approve. Lorcan and Rowan stopped fighting and turned to me. Fenrys came forward off of the wall he was slouching against.

"And she awakens!" He exclaimed happily.

"We train everyday," Rowan said, sheathing his sword, "But we actually didn't train yesterday, we got on the boat yesterday." He added. Wait had I slept for 24 hours? Fenrys nodded as if he had read the question on my face.

"We didn't have the heart to wake you. Besides, you need your beauty sleep." I huffed in protest and did a Feyre. You all know the one. I chucked my trainer at his head. He didn't even bother dodging as my aim was so off. I rolled my eyes and stomped to the side of the boat where the trainer landed. Fenrys grinned as I glared at him.

Shut the fuck up. His eyes glinted and he sketched a bow.

As her majesty wishes. Idiot. I decided to be the bigger person and flashed my middle finger at him before turning back to Rowan, who was watching me with narrowed eyes. What had I done now? 

"We had lunch and dinner is in three hours, so you can wait until then, or have our leftovers." 

"When do you ever say no to food?" I replied and- was that a smile? From Rowan Whitethorn? The world has ended! Fenrys snorted with laughter from beside me and Rowan's smile dropped as he eyed me suspiciously. I couldn't handle it and started laughing. Soon after Fenrys joined in, his laughter much more graceful than mine. 

"The food is in the box by the table." Lorcan told me and I nodded, still grinning, and started off in the direction he pointed. Moments later I felt a presence slid up next to me. 

"Are you following me now?" 

"Can you blame me?" Was his response and I frowned in confusion. What did that mean? I brushed it off and pulled out a sandwich from the box. I bit into it expecting the heaven that the other meals had been and nearly spat it out when I found it to be disgusting, like the worst sandwich I have ever eaten. 

Fenrys caught my expression and smirked.

"Ah yes, Lorcan made the sandwiches. Half of the kitchen staff are ill and the other half didn't have time too, so we all pitched in." I paled slightly.

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