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Disclaimer: I don't own the Throne of Glass series, only Sophia. 

Please comment and tell me what you think, I really want to know!

🐺🐺🐺CHAPTER 10🐺🐺🐺

OK maybe I was lost....

It must have been about an hour. I had tried tracking like you see in movies, where you scan the floor and all that. It didn't work. Surely, I would be able to see a huge castle above the trees though? Wait a minute, I'm in this where Celaena and Chaol ran in the first book? SO. COOL. 

A rustling in the bushes snapped me out of my thoughts. OH for fucks sake, pleasssseeee don't be a bear. I picked up a stone and braced to throw. I figure appeared and I threw the stone issuing a battle cry. The stone bounced off of Lorcan's chest and he didn't even flinch. LORCAN! I ran forward and hugged him. He detangled me from him and crossed his arms. 

"Thank fuck! I've been walking for hours and my feet are sore." 

"How do I know you're Sophia?" 

"Didn't you like track my scent or something like that to actually find me?" 

"We've been tracking you ever since your little hissy fit disappearance," Bastard, "Aelin sent me out to track a recent surge of magic we detected. It led me to you." 

"Yeah I have magic now. Looooongggg story, which I can't be bothered to tell like fifty times so can you take me back?"  Lorcan glared at me-actually that could just be his resting bitch face.  


"Can I piggy back on you?" He rolled his eyes and I jumped on him. He judo flipped me onto the ground and I groaned. 

"OWWWWWW!" He pulled me up and pushed me forward. It was my turn to roll my eyes but I started forward anyway.

"What's the point of me going forward, I don't know where I am going." 


OK I get he's quiet but that was a good point. Whatever magic my well...magic cast was starting to wear off and my body started to ache again, especially my feet. Ughhhhhhh where's that horse? I twisted my ankle and swore softly. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I was lifted up. Lorcan pointedly didn't look at me and kept walking. Awwwww.

"I knew we were bonding!" 

"I will knock you unconscious." I closed my mouth but grinned at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He growled but didn't stop me. I shut my eyes and smiled. 

(AN: Quick note, I am aware that when she left the ball she like ran for ten minutes so we are just gonna pretend that she someone ran the distance of like 20km or something and then when she was trying to find her way back she went further away, idk just pretend.)

When I woke up my body hurt in about one hundred places and my beautiful dress was gone replaced with the soiled and dirty remains of the purple one I had worn in the ball. I cried out at the pain and Lorcan turned to me and inhaled sharply. 

"What the hell happened?" I opened my mouth to answer and it turned into a wince as my stomach clenched in pain. No no no no don't cry in front of Lorcan. Too late. My lip wobbled pathetically as I tried to stop myself from crying. Lorcan's grip on me tightened. 

"Hold on, we are almost there." He broke through the trees and ran towards the palace that stretched up in front of us. The doors opened by themselves and Lorcan rushed through. 

"WHITETHORN! PUP!" His voice echoed through the halls, bouncing off the walls. He must have called Aelin through their bond. We saw Rowan first and he took one look at me and swore. He came over and took me out of Lorcan's arms. Rowan was more gentle but he spoke to Lorcan tensely.

"Go get Aelin, I think she's training, Fen will sense her. I'l take her to the infirmary." I drifted in and out of consciousness but saw a blurry figure ran off and we started moving again. There was a bright light and then I was being lowered onto something. Voices were yelling. Too loud. I couldn't tell who they were. They needed to be quiet. It hurt. One voice cut above the others. 

"SOPHIA!" I knew that voice anywhere. I forced my eyes open and struggled to meet the worried gaze of Fenrys. My mate. Not important right now. 

His face was panicked and he was ordering healers around. I stared at him. He smiled briefly at me and slid his hand into mine as the healer began to work. A white glow settled over me and warmth washed through me. I ached my back at the feeling. It completely erased the pain. The feeling lulled me to sleep and I smiled as I drifted off. 

The White Wolf and Me (Fenrys Moonbeam x oc)Where stories live. Discover now