Chapter One: So Helpless When I'm So Far From You

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The Rhythm of Our Lonely Hearts

Chapter One: So Helpless When I'm So Far from You

Andy's phone buzzed with an incoming call. It was the third one in the past fifteen minutes, every single one of them going to voicemail. He didn't have the energy to answer them or any of the hundreds of texts left unread. He grabbed the half-empty bottle of whiskey from beside his mattress, downing more than a shot's worth.

The past two weeks were a complete blur. He didn't even remember leaving Matt's apartment. Walking all the way back to Jake's apartment, his legs aching by the time he arrived. Jake had asked what happened like it wasn't obvious. Andy had ignored him, heading straight to the liquor cabinet. He blacked out within an hour, and he'd stayed that way ever since.

Not leaving his room for the first three days except to go to the bathroom or grab another bottle of liquor. Crying himself to sleep most nights and wishing that he wouldn't wake up in the morning. This wasn't his first break-up, but it was by far the most painful. No matter how much he drank he couldn't kill the empty feeling in his heart.

It wasn't a scar; it was a gaping wound. And he was bleeding out. Matt hadn't called him or texted like he thought he would. On the fourth day, he broke, texting the older man and asking if they could talk. His text never went through. Matt had blocked his number.

That had triggered a bender, going out every night and getting as fucked up as he could. With the boost the band got from their upcoming album there was no shortage of people willing to give him anything he wanted. Pills, coke, alcohol, sex... all of it was at his disposal. Yet none of it was filling the hole in his heart.

It didn't matter, he'd do anything to not feel alone. He couldn't handle that, not after having someone by his side for the past four months. Matt was his only true friend, the rest only associated with him for their own benefit. They didn't give a shit about him and it was obvious. No one asked what was wrong. They didn't seem concerned that he'd lost more weight or that he was clearly in decline. They kept feeding him drinks, enabling the worst in him.

Andy turned over in bed, in pain from the previous night. He'd woken up alone, not surprised that the guy he invited over had taken off before sunrise. From what he remembered it hadn't even been good. He hardly knew the man, only having run into him before at parties. He was in a band and had a girlfriend that he claimed to be madly in love with. Guess the last part wasn't so true.

In truth, the whole reason that Andy had invited him over was that he needed to feel wanted. Even if it was only for a night, he craved the validation it brought. But like everything else the high was short-lived. The man had been terrible, not really knowing what to do. He was too rough, and not in the way Andy liked it.

"Andy!" Jake pounded at the singer's door, making his head throb.

"What?" he croaked out, pulling the covers over his head to keep the light out.

"John says answer your phone or he's coming down here himself." The guitarist shouted from the other side of the door.

Andy groaned, grabbing his phone and flipping through his notifications. Sure enough, there were several missed calls. All of them from his manager. He was freaking out, leaving several threatening voicemails. Andy wasn't surprised, their release party for the new album was tomorrow. It was going to be a long day of interviews, signings, and a performance at the Hollywood and Highland mall. They were expecting a massive turn out and of course, as the lead singer, he was expected to put his best foot forward.

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