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You're on the other side, as the skyline splits in two
I'm miles away from seeing you
But I can see the stars from America
I wondered, do you see them too?

Tina's POV:

Tapping my pencil absentmindedly, Ms. Jacobson calls my name. "Tina Belcher?"

"Umm, yes Ms. Jacobson?" I blush.

"It's your turn to choose your pen pal. Here on my computer are a list of emails, and your the next person to choose." She says.

Students snicker at the fact I wasn't paying attention as I walk to her desk to choose.

I'm excited to make a new friend. Apparently all of these emails are from students across the country. It's a project for my final year in Wagstaff now that I'm fourteen.

The last one on the list catches my eye. - Salt Lake City, Utah

Space and horses? Sounds like a cool person.

My email is my initials, and of course, horses. I hope my penpal likes them as much as I do.

When we get home, I immediately hop on the computer that Ms. Jacobson let all of the students borrow for the month.

Hello GalacticHorse. I'm TRB.horsegirl, also known as Tina. How are you? I am fine. Here are some facts about myself.

Name: Tina
Age: 14
Gender: female
Favorite Animal: horse
I live in Seymours Bay, New Jersey. I'm sure your teacher told you that already. I like boyz4now and I consider myself an avid writer.

Tell me about yourself!


After sending the email, I go eat dinner with the family and talk about my day. Dad made meatloaf.

"I got a penpal. I don't know what their name is yet, but they seem cool. Their email is galactic horse, so we might both be horse girls. How cool would that be?" I ramble.

"Sounds great, Tina." Dad replies. "A chance to make a new friend. I'm happy for you. What about you, Gene? Louise?"

"Meh." They say in unison.

"Nothing news worthy?" Mom questions.

"When is school ever news worthy?" Louise groans. "It's boring."

"Well boring is better than you getting in trouble." Dad chuckles.

"Hey uh, maybe I be excused? I want to check my email to see if my penpal replied yet." I ask, done eating.

"Of course honey. Just put your plate in the sink and wash up." Mom smiles. I do as she says, running excitedly to my bedroom.

The screen lights up with a message.

Hi Tina

My favorite animal is horses too! I'm 14, a boy, and I live in Utah. My name is Castor. Like one of the twins in the constellation Gemini. Tina is a lovely name. I can't wait to learn more about you.


I clap happily, giggling to myself. I'm so excited. A new friend! And it's a boy! I wonder what he looks like.

I type a reply.

Hi Castor. That's a really cool name. And thank you. It's pretty common.


We go back and forth for a while, and I giggle at his sweet kindness. He's really nice.

We chat on a message board joyfully, talking about horses.

Castor: what's your favorite color horse?

Tina: I like the brown ones. And the ones with spots.

Castor: me too

Tina: do you have any brothers or sisters?

Castor: yeah my mom and dad had quadruplets. I'm the youngest one out of four.

Castor: I have my brother Pollux, and my two sisters, Cordelia and Larissa

Tina: those are cool names. Really unusual

Castor: unusual? They're common where I'm from

Tina: Utah?

Castor: yeah

Tina: I've never heard those names before really.

Castor: well Castor and Pollux are the names of the Gemini twins, and Cordelia is the name of one of the moons of Uranus, and Larissa is the name of one of the moons of Neptune

Tina: all space themed. cool. your parents must love astrology.

Castor: yeah they sure do

Tina: quadruplets, huh? That's interesting.

Castor: yeah that's common here too

I don't ask about that. He's kind of strange. Neither of those things are common.

I mean, I've never been to Salt Lake City, but I'm pretty sure that's unusual...

My eyes begin to sting and I tell him I'm going to bed. Mom checks on me and tells me to put away the laptop.

"Bedtime, teeny Tina!" She beams, kissing my cheek.

"Night mom. I love you." I yawn.

"Night, sweetie. I love you more." She exits to go to bed herself.

Thinking of Castor, I wonder why he said those things. Quadruplets are anything but common. And his name, and the names of his siblings, are unique.

I fall asleep looking at the stars outside my window, wondering if he's looking at moon like I am.

Two worlds away, but the same moon. I think there's something poetic about that.

Short chapter but I really wanted to start this.

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