7- kiss it better

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And she cries,
Kiss it all better,
I'm not ready to go
It's not your fault love
You didn't know, you didn't know
Her hands are so cold
And he kisses her face
And says "Everything will be all right"

Tina's POV:

With the last of my strength, I open my eyes to see Castor in the crowd, yelling and screaming at the top of his lungs.

"TINA NO!" He races over to me, held back by guards.

"Let go of me! LET GO OF ME!" He cries.

With no more strength left, I think one last thing before I die.

'I love you'

Castor's face contorts in grief, screaming. His endless violet eyes are filled with tears.

My body finally gives in, having no more air to breathe. Closing my eyes again, I think of the future I'll never have.

Castor's POV:

'I love you' Tina thinks to me, her body soon going limp. I try to levitate her to stop it from killing her, but there's a barrier around the stage, as there always is during an execution to prevent citizens from using their powers.

"Father, stop!" I struggle against the guards who hold me tightly, wriggling furiously.

"FATHER PLEASE!" I cry. Tina isn't breathing. No thoughts are coming from her mind.

"Mother!" I try. "Mother, why?!"

They stand on the stage and look at me with pity. "We're sorry son, but she was corrupting you. She had to be killed."

"What?! That's insane!" I argue.

"Release him." My father orders. I fall to the ground, shaking with sorrow. I run up to the stage as the barrier is disabled and the crowd watches with curiosity.

"Tina!" I take her from the noose and check her pulse. She's gone.

"Tina! TINA!" My eyes dart around for help, finding none. Father looks at me sternly.

"Castor, stop this instant!" He commands me.

"No! Father, I love her!" I hold Tina's body close to me, sobbing.

Carrying her, I teleport myself to the science lab where all of the elixirs are. There has to be something to heal her!

I know the scientists haven't mastered revival, but I need to find something to save her! She's my soulmate! The two moons made it so!

Maybe...maybe the humans can help. The way they heal is different from how Martians heal. Her body is different from mine.

Taking a deep breath, I teleport again, ending up in her bedroom. "Help!" I shout immediately.

A young girl enters the room, eyes wide. "What the hell?!"

She's wearing some kind of strange hat. I've never seen anything like it before. "Help her!" I insist.

She gasps at my appearance, running to get someone as I place Tina on her bed.

"Please Tina. Please come back." I beg.

"TINA!" A man runs over, seeing Tina lifeless. He doesn't spare even a second glance on me, focused on her. This must be her father.

"Tina no!" He shouts, doing something with his hands. Pressing on her chest. Oh, I think he's trying to restart her heart.

We have hearts on Mars, but we're so resilient that doing CPR is never really needed, except for special cases.

A woman with red glasses, and a young boy hear what's going on, also shocked to see me.

"Who the heck are you?! And what happened to my Tina?!" The woman asks frantically.

I explain everything from the moment I met Tina, which is obviously met with skepticism.

Hearing Tina gasp, I look over and see that her eyes have opened, and she's breathing again.

"Oh thank god!" Her father bursts into tears, hugging her.

"Cas..." she croaks weakly.

I hold her hand, catching her up on everything that happened. We embrace happily. I'm not losing her. Not today.

Before we can celebrate for long, I hear the whooshing of a spaceship. Father must be here.

"Castor Blue!" He shouts, pushing Tina's family back with his own telekinetic powers.

"This is a dream, right? This is some kind of strange dream!" Her father looks at my father and me with disbelief.

"An intergalactic romance like this...can only happen to Tina." The little girl says.

"Come back home! I'll take care of this!" Father exclaims.

"No! I'm in love with her!" I protest.

He takes a laser gun out of his regal robe, pointing it at Tina, who is still weak.

"NO!" I jump in front of her, feeling a burning pain in my chest. I've been shot.

"CASTOR!" Father yells, taking an elixir out of his pocket. "It's a new invention by our top scientists! It will heal you!"

Shoving the mixture to my mouth, I close it and make my own demands. "Let me be with Tina...and I'll drink it."

"Son! You have to drink it now!" Father pushes in into my mouth, but I refuse it.

"Fine! You can be with the girl! Just drink!" He yells.

"Swear to me...swear on your life. Swear on the entire kingdom that you'll let me be with Tina." I groan in pain, not having much time left. Tina kneels beside me, kissing my cheek.

"I swear on the kingdom. I swear on my life!" Father pleads.

I drink the elixir, the hole in my chest healing in front of my very eyes. It's incredible.

"Castor..." father begins.

"I...I don't wish to see you in pain. I see now...that you truly love this human girl." He says. I smile and nod.

Taking Tina's hand, I give it a squeeze. "She's my soulmate, father."

"I see." He smiles despite himself.

"I'm...so sorry, Castor." He apologizes, placing a hand on my shoulder. "True love can never be broken. And I shouldn't have tried to hurt you or Tina. I...need to think on this. Please come home with me and speak with Tina tomorrow."

"But father...I can't leave her. I almost lost her once, I can't lose her now!" I plead.

"I promise you'll see her again. I have to make arrangements to make sure your union with this girl is possible. Humans and Martians haven't married in thousands of years." Father explains.

I read his mind, and he's telling the truth.

Tina's family stares at me in shock. "Martians...MARTIANS?!" Her father screams.

"Yes sir." I grin cheekily. He looks at me like...well, like I'm an alien.

Kissing Tina goodbye, I promise I'll see her again. This leaves her family baffled, blinking in surprise.

I can't imagine they'll ever get used to this. Tina just has an open mind for this kind of thing.

But one thing I know for sure, is that I have my father's blessing. And nothing can stop us now. Me and Tina against the world.

Against the universe.

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