2- honeydew

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But honey I do
Honey I do
I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you

Tina's POV:

Every day after school, I talk to Castor. He sent me a picture of himself without the costume and he's really cute. Like, boyfriend material cute. Not that looks would matter, especially with a boy so sweet, but lets call it a bonus.

I'm starting to feel better about myself. Whenever I talk to Castor, my world just seems to completely light up, and everyone else disappears.

We talk about astrology a lot. He loves it. I'm learning to love it too. He's named after a constellation after all.

He doesn't like to talk about his family life. He says it's difficult to live with sometimes. He's always in the public eye.

I tried looking up politicians in his area but I can't find anything specific about him. He's a minor, and I don't know his parents names, so he mostly remains a mystery. I'd be lying if I said that wasn't intriguing.

He really likes my glasses. I've never met someone who likes them this much. He finds them cute.

I find his hair cute. It's dyed a color I call 'Mediterranean blue'. Like a deep dark bluish turquoise.

It reminds me of exotic waters, like the Mediterranean Sea, or the Great Barrier Reef.

I think Jimmy Jr. is starting to actually get jealous of how much time I'm spending with Castor.

Too little too late. Have fun with your California girl. I do wish him the best, but Castor has really opened my eyes to how people should treat their friends. He's mature for fourteen.

I looked up Salt Lake City out of curiosity last night. Apparently there are a lot of Mormons. Castor says he doesn't know much about that though.

He writes like I do. Fanfiction about aliens and stuff. And of course, horses. And he really likes to text me puns.

Cas <3: How do you make holy water?

Tina: umm idk

Cas <3: You boil the hell out of it

Tina: ...Cas...

After so many puns, I'm starting to see it coming. Like right now, for instance. I'm in class, and he texts me.

Cas <3: I lost my job at the bank on my very first day.

Tina: okay...

Cas <3: A woman asked me to check her balance.

Tina: uh huh...

Cas <3: so I pushed her over

Tina: Lol

Tina: I guess they didn't appreciate the gravity of the situation

Cas <3: ... you beat me at my own game

I giggle, looking up to see Ms. Jacobson staring me right in the face. Oops. Caught red handed.

"Excuse me, Ms. Belcher, am I interrupting something?" Ms. Jacobson gives me an impatient smile.

"Sorry Ms. Jacobson. It won't happen again." I reply quick, turning off my phone.

"You're right. It won't." She grabs my phone and puts it in her desk for the rest of class. Ugh!

Bored out of my mind, all I can think about is Castor. He's so funny and cute and...

Oh my god, I have a crush on him! Like, a huge crush! This is not a drill! Red alert!

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