1- scars to your beautiful

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But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful; we're stars, and we're beautiful.

Tina's POV:

Castor and I exchange phone numbers so we can talk when I'm not at home. He's been telling me about what his life is like.

Tina: so what do your parents do?

Castor: they're politicians

Tina: really? Is it hard on you?

Castor: sometimes. everyone expects so much from me as a politicians son.

Tina: I'm sorry

Castor: it's ok. Thanks for being my friend

Tina: of course. did you get to choose me as your penpal too, or did I choose you and you had to go along with it?

Castor: I chose you too. Because I liked your name.

Tina: aw sweet

Castor: I hope we stay friends for a long long time. I don't have many back home. My parents are pretty strict about that.

Tina: we should video chat!

Castor: I can't

Tina: why not?

Castor: I want to, but...

Castor: you wouldn't like what you'd see

Tina: what? Of course I would. Looks don't matter

Castor: trust me. I'm...not like you.

Tina: oh...well I'm sure you're awesome, but I'll trust you. I gotta go to school

Castor: oh okay! Salutations!

Tina what?

Castor: that's something we say a lot here.

Tina: Lol okay

Grinning, I enter school where everyone is talking about their pen pals.

"Mine is from California and he's a hot surfer boy!" Tammy muses, bragging to everyone.

"Mine is a girl from like, a farm! Ew!" Jocelyn wrinkles her nose in disgust. "All she talks about is cows and chickens and stuff!"

"Umm...well mine's a boy from Salt Lake City and he's a quadruplet." I speak up.

"A what?" Jocelyn asks.

"A quadruplet. One of four babies born at the same tome." I explain.

"They can't all fit out of there at the same time!" She argues.

"Jocelyn..." I sigh. "They didn't all come out at the same time. They fame probably like, a few minutes apart."

"Oh." She says.

Jimmy Jr. is penpals with a pretty girl from Seattle. They've already video chatted. Apparently she's really cool.

Zeke is penpals with a guy who does hip hop. Some kid from New York.

Jimmy Jr. won't stop talking about his new friend, my cheeks turning red. Why can't he talk about me that way?

"Tina. Tina!" Jimmy Jr. yells, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I jump up.

"I asked what your penpal likes." He clarifies.

"O-Oh okay. Umm, he likes horses." I reply.

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