10- mystery of love (finale)

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Oh, oh woe-oh-woe is me
The first time that you touched me
Oh, will wonders ever cease?
Blessed be the mystery of love

This chapter sucks oops :(

Tina's POV:

Castor takes me back home, his father arriving to erase my memory of him once and for all.

"Please don't do this..." I beg weakly, knowing it's no use.

"I'm sorry. I have to protect my son." He looks at me with genuine pity.

Closing my eyes, I let out a heavy breath, trying my best not to cry.

"W-Wait!" Louise bursts out of the closet again like she had before. She doesn't know the definition of privacy.

"Louise, please don't make this harder than it already is." I sigh.

"No! I have an idea!" She insists. The king turns to her.

"Go on." He grumbles.

"What if...you erased everyone's memories except for Castor and Tina's and he could permanently disguise as a human so no one knows!" Louise suggests.

"You'd be willing to forget about an alien?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes! For you, Tina!" I've never heard Louise so compassionate.

"Thank you." I hug her gratefully. "Thank you so much."

"Alright enough affection!" She snaps, wiggling away.

The entire family enters my room to have their memories wiped, Dad still very convinced he's high.

"What is life...what is this...existence?" He asks, having completely lost his mind. At least he won't have to remember this.

Mom and Gene are disappointed, but go along with it. "Bye alien-in-law." He waves.

"Okay...go ahead, Dad." Castor sighs.

He holds out a device like the one in men in black, making Castor and I look away.

Once the deed is done, my family is knocked unconscious, and when they wake up, they won't remember anything about Castor being an alien.

Though disappointed, Louise goes along with it, knowing it's for the best. "Just do it!" She groans.

Castor morphs into a human again, turning into a normal teen boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. He's handsome, of course.

"Castor... this is the part I'm not going to like." Castor's father sighs.

"What do you mean?" He asks, puzzled.

"Drink this." He holds out an elixir.

"What is it?" He questions cautiously.

"Trust me." His father replies.

Castor drinks it, and nothing happens. "I feel kind of tingly." He comments, still very confused.

"That...will turn you permanently into a human." His father reveals. Castor gasps.

"Goodbye, son. I'll see you again one day...but your place is here." His father bids his son farewell.

"Wait...where will I stay?" Castor asks frantically.

"I've arranged for a human foster family to take you in. They have no idea of your past. This way, you can be with your dear Tina." The king manages a smile, handing Castor a note with the foster information on it.

"Thank you!" Castor hugs him and cries. "I'll miss you...please come visit me!"

His father nods. "Of course. Though you won't be able to come back home, I'll always visit you, my son."

All is said and done, leaving Castor's dad to go back to Mars without him. Castor seems sad about that. Who wouldn't be? That's still his father. His family.

"It's going to be alright." I take his hand. It's time for me to comfort him. I've done enough crying.

"I know." He replies, smiling bittersweetly. "I uhh...can't read your mind anymore."

"Good." I tease.

He kisses me, and everything seems to melt away again, as it always does when I am with him.

Castor takes out the note his father gave him, grinning. "Time to go." He says.

"I'll walk you there." I offer. He smiles again. "Perfect."

We walk to the address together, hand in hand. The foster family just so happens to be Jocelyn's.

Jocelyn is pretty happy to basically have a new brother, her parents oblivious to the fact that Castor is an alien. Or used to be.

Things really seem to be wrapping up nicely. And I'll actually be able to spend the rest of my life with him. It's insane.

And it all started with a penpal project, horses, and a kiss in the moonlight.

A/N: this chapter sucks but that's the end...yeah. Like I said, I can tell this sucks, but I don't have much else to add to it. I do have other fanfic plans though. I promise it's not burnout lol *cut to Bob pouring ketchup in Teddy's coffee* I just watched that episode.

Have a good night, everyone.



I love you Ze. ❤️ us against the world.

P.P.S. I love you Lena and LoversBling (sorry I'm not sure what name you go by.)

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