Chapter 1

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"Roy!" Someone said making Roy wake up, but he was still a bit asleep

"C'mon Roy we need to hurry, there is an attack on a bank," the voice started to sound more like Oliver Queen

"Huh?" He said

"Suit up, now it's not the time to sleep," he said making Roy open his eyes

"What happened? Why am I here Ollie?" He said and Oliver looked at him with a confused face

"Did you just call me Ollie?" He asked

"Well, yeah? I always tell you, Ollie or Oliver," he said

"Are you okay? Maybe Diggle and I should go this time," Oliver said

"Where are you going?" He asked

"He already told you, Roy, to a bank, where there is a hostage situation now, go, Oliver," Felicity said and Roy look at her now with a confused face

"Roy?" He asked

"Yeah, Roy Harper, AKA Arsenal, AKA you," she said

"What?" He said and Oliver rolled his eyes

"You know what, stay here Roy, Diggle and I will take care of everything, and Felicity check him, see if something happened to him, he's not acting like he normally does when he wakes up," Oliver said now on his Arrow suit while Diggle was waiting for him outside

"Yes, I will still be on the comms if you need anything," she said walking to Roy who was still confused about everything

"What's happening?" He said

"Okay Roy, let's see what's wrong with you..." she said walking to him

"W-wait!" He yelled and Felicity stopped

"Eh, what's wrong?" She asked

"I-I need to go to the bathroom," he said standing up

"Well go, I will be waiting for you... oh and Thea told me you and her need to meet at the town hall tomorrow in the morning," she said while Roy run to the bathroom, as he arrived at the bathroom he went to a mirror where he was surprised at what he is watching

"Oh no..." he said

"Why everyone thinks I'm Roy!" Barry Allen said looking to the mirror using the outfit normally Roy Harper uses

"I need to talk to Oliver, I don't know what's happening..." he said

Meanwhile, at the town hall, Thea Queen was fast asleep but her dreams were interrupted by Quentin Lance and Dinah Drake, who Dinah was moving her so she would wake up

"Thea, wake up!" Dinah said yelling

"Oh, wh-what's happening?" She said rubbing her eyes

"What's happening is that you're sleeping in the job," Quentin said

"Who are you?" She asked and both look at her confused

"What do you mean who are we? We are Dinah and Quentin... are you okay?" Dinah said

"Dinah... Quentin... I've heard of those names before... wait! the friends of Oliver, Quentin Lance, and Dinah Drake AKA Bla-" she was saying but Dinah shush her

"Yeah, we are them and yes, I'm the other thing at night," then Thea look around the place

"Where am I?" She asked

"The town hall, you are here thanks to Oliver being the mayor, are you sure you're okay Thea?" Quentin said making Thea's eyes bigger

"The-Thea? Thea Queen?" She said

"Yeah... are you sure you're okay?" He asked

"Yeah, su-sure I just need to go to the bathroom..." she said standing up and running to the bathroom making Quentin and Dinah look at each other confused about everything

"Do you think she's okay?" He said

"I don't know, we have to tell Oliver, maybe he knows what's happening to her, or do we tell Roy?" she said

"I think first we talk to Oliver and then Roy," he said now looking where Thea was a few seconds ago

Thea entered the bathroom, still not knowing what was happening, she entered a bathroom near her, as she enters the bathroom she immediately goes to the mirrors, when she arrived her jaw dropped to the ground

"E-everyone thinks I-I'm Thea... Why everyone thinks I'm Thea!" Kara Danvers said looking to the mirror using something Thea Queen would use in work.

"I need to talk to Oliver or even Barry... who would do this?" Kara said still looking at her

Dinah and Quentin were now talking to Rene, but their conversation was interrupted by Kara passing and bumping with the heroes and making Dinah fall

"Sorry!" she yelled

"I have to go! I need to talk to Oliver!" she yelled not stopping by, everyone looks at her, and they were now even more confused

"There is something wrong with her, I know it..." she said to the men trying to help her get up

"Yeah, I also think about that..." Quentin said

Kara after 20 minutes she arrived at the Arrow cave really preoccupied since she couldn't use her powers when the door opened she started to yell

"Oliver! Felicity!"

"What's up Thea?" Felicity said

"That's the problem, I'm not Thea, I'm Kara, Kara Danvers..." she said and Felicity look at her, really confused

"Huh? Thea... Kara is on another planet fighting some aliens with her cousin... are you okay?" She said and Kara started to pace around

"No, no, no, whe-where is Oliver?" She said

"Oh, he is coming back from a bank attack," she said

"What about Barry?" She said and Felicity look down

"We don't talk about that Speedy, don't you remember?" Oliver said behind her

"No! I don't remember!" She said now yelling

"He sacrificed himself to save the multiverse..." Felicity said

"I what?" Someone said around them

"Barry?" Kara said

"Kara? What's going on?" He said

"What do you guys mean?" Oliver said and Felicity look at both of them

"Are you guys okay?" She said

"Did your husband do something to you? Did he hit you so hard on the-" She was about to joke but Kara and Barry didn't make them finish

"Husband?!" They both said looking now to Kara's hand who had a beautiful ring

"I was just joking..." she said and Oliver look at her

"Did you check Roy?" He whispered

"I was about to..."

"Check both of them... something is wrong,"

In an abandoned place at Star City, there was a man laughing at everything that's happening to the heroes, since he is watching everything that the two heroes are doing and what's happening.

"This is so funny..." he said still laughing

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