Chapter 8

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Every time I say Supergirl it means Thea from that reality

And if I say  Kara or Thea it's Kara from Earth-38

At Stryker's island Superman, Supergirl, Alex, Kara, Team Arrow, and Flash were now waiting for the guards to bring Lex Luthor, the teams decided to wait until Lex talks, so they can tell the news to Supergirl and Superman. Finally, the guards finally brought one of the greatest villains of Metropolis. At the interrogation room Kara, Barry, Oliver, and Superman were there watching Lex being sitted down by the guards. There was a long silence since the heroes wanted to wait for the villain to talk, but Kara couldn't wait.

"Talk now Lex, why did you make this?" she asked looking to Barry and then to Lex, there was even more silence, finally he talked

"I have to admit, this is really funny," he said with an evil smile

"Do you think it is funny?" Barry asked hitting the table

"Yes, as I asked before since you didn't answer..." he said now getting as near as the handcuff let him to the heroes,

"How does it feel? To feel powerless? To be a human? Well for you Flash, I know you are a human but for Supergirl, tell me I'm intrigued," Lex said now getting comfortable on his seat

"You will never know how do I feel," she said looking to him with an angry face

"Then don't tell me, but I know..." he said with a smile

"It doesn't matter Lex, now tell them what have you done," Superman said looking to Kara confused

"I didn't do anything, I was just a pawn..." he said

"You? A pawn? Give me a break," Kara said

"Don't believe me, but I was just a pawn, for you to get distracted, so your time can go... poof," he said

"You really didn't do this..." she said

"No... He asked me, do you want to take the heroes some time? And I gladly accept, making you suffer is always a great thing to do, and also suffer the big guy," he said

"So if you didn't do it... who did it?" he said

"I can't tell you, but you will know, and if you don't... get used to being Ms. Queen-Harper," he said smiling

"I swear, we will find him and if you try to escape, I will gladly take you back here," she said walking away with her team

"Good-bye Ms. Queen-Harper," Lex said with a mocking voice

"So he wasn't the one?" Alex said as the heroes entered


"Then who is?" Cisco asked

"I... I don't know... I need some space..." Kara said walking away, Barry was going behind her, but Supergirl stopped him

"Let me talk to her..." she said, and Barry nodded, then Supergirl walked to where Kara was, leaning on a wall, she asked

"So... in your reality... I'm Thea Queen, and you're me?" she asked

"Yeah..." she said not looking at Supergirl

"Wow... and how does Roy... I mean Barry feels?"

"He feels weird, like me, he was once just a human... But now he is a human who has vigilante's skills, and I know that look he makes... He misses being the Flash, and I miss being Supergirl... But this is also interesting, being a human with great skills..." she said trying to look the bright side like always

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