Chapter 6

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"Good morning love birds," Alex said making the heroes look at her

"What's up, Alex?" Barry said looking at her

"What time is it?" Kara said

"First, hi Barry, what's up is that we need to go to Star City, and it's one pm Kara, you two have been cuddling all day,"

"Since when have you been here?" Kara said standing up

"Half an hour,"

"Why didn't you wake us up?" Barry asked

"First, I already did, second, you look so cute and peaceful together, so I didn't want to bother, so, can we go now?"

"Let us change," he said

"I will take a bath at Star, and you?" she said

"So do I, just want to change clothes," he said walking to the bathroom

"Did you do it?" Alex asked when Barry closed the door

"Did what?" she asked fixing her hair

"The you know... the nasty," she said

"Alex?! Don't you think if I have had sex I wouldn't be using the clothes I used yesterday? Or don't you think Barry and I would be naked?" she asked

"Good point, and now thinking about that, I'm glad you didn't do it. It would've been weird," she said

"Okay, you have everything, so we can go?" she asked

"Yes, oh and look! Before I woke you up, I took some pictures of you two cuddling and hugging each other on the couch, but why did you two be on the couch?" she asked showing the pictures

"I wish I had my super strength to destroy this phone, and neither of us wanted to go to the bed," she said, and her sister just nod

"Let's go," Barry said walking out of the bathroom

Hours later the trio finally arrived at Star City, entering the arrow cave. Team Arrow was already waiting for them.

"What took you guys so long to get here?" Oliver asked

"Hi Alex," Felicity said

"This two love birds were asleep until one, and hi Felicity," she said, and everyone looks at the "Non-couple" and they didn't answer

"Are you sure you're not a couple on your earth or whatever it is," Rene asked while everyone else except the two of them slightly smiled

"We are not a couple!" They said at the same time with red cheeks

"Whatever you say, love birds," Oliver said, whispering the last part

"So, you have the list?" Barry said changing the topics

"Yeah, we have two suspicious, but we still need to look to Kara's list," John said

"Okay, here Felicity," Kara said giving the USB

"Thank you, now give me five seconds, and we will see all the villains," she said

"Okay, now let me show who the two we thought they are the one that causes this," Oliver said

"So we thought they might be between Reverse Flash, and Zoom, since the once I fought that may be a problem are dead," he said showing some images of Reverse Flash and Zoom

"But I defeated Zoom, why is he here?" Barry said

"Actually in here, he got away, he's still running, but, he mainly escaping those ghost from the speedforce," Alex said

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