Chapter 10

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"Hey! we're back! Now let's continue with the story!" He said snapping his fingers once again

"What do you mean dead? Did you kill them?" Kara asked and Mxy laughed

"Yeah, they needed to die so you can be in this world..." He said, and the two heroes look at each other preoccupied, making Mxy laugh

"What's so funny about people dying!?" Barry asked

"I'm joking! They're not dead! The writer just wanted a fake cliffhanger!" he said

"What writer?" Barry asked

"You will not understand... But hey! here they are!" then he snapped his fingers and two cages appeared one with Roy Harper from Earth-57 and another with Thea Queen from Earth-57

"Let them out!" Kara said

"No, and if you guys stay like that until the time expires... poof! Chiao from existence,"  He said, and both heroes preoccupied

"Why don't you just let us go back to our earth?"

"Because I'm bored and I want to have some fun with you guys," He said smiling

"But you want to have fun like that? Erasing both of them from existence? They are literally us," She said

"Yeah, but they have done something you have not," he said

"And what's that?" he asked

"Fall in love..." he said, then he uses his finger to transform the building to a giant church, and the heroes were now using something they would use for a wedding, and they were looking at each other with Mxy being the priest

"So, you Bartholomew (Which I think is a stupid name) Henry Allen do you accept Kara Danvers as your wife?"

"What?" he asked blushing while Kara look at him also blushing

"No!" Kara said

"Why not? Look at these two... I try to help them fall in love and they just don't want to... They don't accept the help of Mxy..." he said making the church change back to what it was before

"Once again who the hell are you talking to?" Barry asked

"Them!" He pointed to you

"I don't see anyone," Kara said

"You know what it doesn't matter..."

"Please can we just go back to our earth?" Kara said


"Look Mxy, you can't make two people fall in love... They need to talk alone, and show the feelings they have for the other," she said looking at Barry

"Love can't be forced... You need to understand," Barry now said looking at her

"Now, can you send us back to our earth?"

"And make Thea and Roy have their normal lives?"

"No!" Mxy said making the heroes look at him confused

"What do you mean no?"

"Since you don't want to fall in love with the other, then you're going to be married on this earth!" he said

"My god Mxy, you're so stubborn! You can't make people fall in love!" she said

"I don't care! Now, you can leave!" he said

"Wait Mxy-" Kara was saying when both of them were back at STAR Labs, where all the heroes where on the cortex

"Guys! Where were you? Felicity has been searching for both of you since the blue portal took you two," Supergirl said

"We were with Mxy," Kara said looking at everyone

"He took us to his lair,"

"What did he guys tell you?" Oliver said

"He made this mess because he wanted for both of us to fall in love for the other and because he is bored," Barry said

"There's also a problem..." Kara added


"He told us if we don't get out of this earth after the next day, the real Thea and Roy are going to die and we are going to stay like this forever," Barry said

"We need to finish this... Now!" Oliver said

"Okay let's search for the-" Felicity was saying when Cisco received an alert

"What's up Cisco?"

"There's a problem..." he said typing to the computer

"What's the problem?"

"There's an attack on Central City... From... wait what?"

"What?" Oliver said

"Prometheus, Reverse Flash, Lex Luthor, Reign, Zoom, and Deathstroke... that can be it, I mean... Some of them are dead," he said


"Then we need to go now! Cisco, open the breach now!" Oliver said as everyone entered the breach al suited up

Getting out of the breach everyone saw the chaos the villains are making, and above them, Mxy was laughing at the chaos, Supergirl flew to talk to him, while Oliver and Diggle went with Prometheus, Dinah and Barry with Reverse Flash, Killer Frost, and Vibe with Zoom, Superman went with Reign, Kara, and Alex with Lex Luthor, and finally, Rene and Curtis went with Deathstroke.

"Mxy!" Supergirl went beside him

"Oh, hi Supergirl! What's up?" he asked

"You need to stop! Kara and Barry don't want to be together right now!" she said

"You know they are meant to be right? I mean you and your Flash were a couple, why can't they be a couple," he asked

"They can ask the other out later when they're ready... So if you please, make everything that's wrong vanish? Look innocent people are dying just because you want them to be together,"

"I'm helping those two to be a happy couple and they decline my offer! I would've tried to ask her to marry me again, but I tried to be a good guy and make them be a couple, with a funny twist!" he said

"Mxy I know you're a good guy, you just don't know how to work that part out, believe me, somethings you need to let the people do their own things, you can't do everything to help people," she said and Mxy look at her

"It doesn't matter! They make me mad, so this is their fault! Get used to this! Because I tried to be a good guy for once... and this happens!" he said crossing his arms and look to another part

"Fine, I guess it's by your way now..." she said flying to help some of his allies

"Guys he's not going to change his mind, we need to do something so he can change everything back to what it was," she said hitting Lex

"Kara and Alex, go and see what you can find so Mxy can read his name backward, I will take him down," she said while the sisters nodded, meanwhile above them Mxy look at the fight that was happening

"Look at them, I try to be a good guy like them, and they say "Oh, Mxy that's bad, you can make people fall in love..." Since Kara and Barry don't want to be the couple I offer them, let's play with them so they can stay here on this earth being a couple! It doesn't matter if his powers are lost! We are almost done with this story, so go to another story, or swipe up to see the next chapter, this chapter is making my blood boil... I mean I'm a villain if I try to marry Supergirl, and I'm a villain because I wanted to love birds to become a couple... Who understands these people! Because I do not! Now shoo!

Tomorrow, the last two parts! So be prepared!

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