Chapter 4

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"So, what are you guys looking at again?" Alex said

"The list of villains Kara has fought during the years," Barry said while Kara was looking at everything and everyone at the building holding her tears since almost no one knew who Speedy was or who Speedy is.

"Alright, can I ask why?" She said while walking near the computers

"It's... complicated," he said

"Alright... well, I know someone that can help us with that," she said

"Hey, Winn!" She said to a guy playing with a gun dart

"Sup?" He said turning to the three of them

"They are Roy and Thea, a friend of Kara, and they want to know the lists of villains Supergirl has fought throughout the years," she said

"Okay, it will take 30 minutes to upload all of them, meanwhile you can go somewhere else or stay here," he said while Kara looks at him with sadness in her eyes, Barry knew that, so he decided to talk.

"Yeah, thank you, Winn. We are going to stay for a while, how have you guys been?" He said

"A bit down since Kara left but we are fine, I heard you guys got married?" She said

"Yeah, I guess we are... when did Kara leave?" He said, looking at her Kara.

"Few days since Barry vanished... she was so sad her fiancée died, so Sups decided to cheer her up and clear her mind by taking her to another planet to save the people from there," that comment made their jaws fall, even their doppelgängers are... we're a couple, is that why Oliver wanted them both? They thought.

"Really?" They asked at the same time

"Yeah... she was so sad, I couldn't talk to her without her crying and wanting to see Barry one more time," she said with a tear on her eye, that's when Kara talked.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm sure she is okay, she needs to clear her mind a bit, you know how hard it is fo-Kara, and when she comes back I know the first person she is going to see is you. Just give her time to mourn, and when she gets back, let her talk to you..." she said

"Wow... it's like you're recreating some of the problems we had in the past, and how we deal with those problems later on..." she said confused

"Uh... well you know, I would do that if it was Oliver, and I thought it would be great advice..." she said preoccupied

"Thanks, when she gets back I will do that," she said, and a second later the sound of an alarm started

"What's up?" Barry said

"There are some aliens attacking the bank of National City... do you guys have your suits?" Winn said while the two heroes look at each other

"Let's go," Barry said going to the exit while Kara nod and then followed him

"I know it's like the third time I met them, but... Don't you think there's something off with those two?" Winn asked

"I-I think so..." she said looking at where the two heroes were before leaving the building

Sometime after the talk with her family, Kara and Barry were now on the bike going to where the aliens started to attack

"Okay, so, since we barely know how to use these bows, and you barely know how to use the sword we need to take our space from them, you understand?" He said through the comms

"Yeah, some aliens are really dangerous, just... be careful okay?" she said

"So do you..." he said arriving at the National City Bank, as they walk near the entrance of the bank, the door is knocked down hard, making the heroes fall, as a blue tall alien leave the bank laughing

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