Chapter 7

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Getting out of the vortex Cisco made the heroes arrive at a scared Metropolis City, where the other team was already trying to maintain the city and the citizens save, but with Lex Luthor and his technology... It was really difficult

"Oliver! We need help with Lex! we were about to arrive at Skryter's when a robot mecha appeared out of nowhere and took Lex," Alex said shooting to the machine

"Okay, Killer Frost, try and stop him with your ice that way we just need to break the machine's shield,"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Killer Frost said running to where the machine of Lex is

"Cisco and Rene, I need you to breach the people out of here, and Rene help him," he said

"Roger that hoss," Rene said shooting a few more times before leaving to help

"Kara, Barry, and Dinah go and for the head, while Killer Frost, Alex, John and I go for the legs," he said now shooting an explosive arrow

"Okay," Kara said now running to the danger

"And we need him to stay here, neither Metropolis nor us want more destruction right now," Barry said now shooting arrows, but Lex was destroying them before arriving

"You fools! This robot was made to fight against the girl and man of steel! Do you really think this stupid arrows and bullets are going to work?" he said

"What about absolute zero?" Killer Frost said using her powers, making the robot stop for three seconds, and those three seconds were used wisely by Dinah and Barry while he used three explosive arrows to destroy some part of the shield, she used her canary cry to break it even more

"Felicity, can you hack his robot?" Oliver said shooting an electric arrow to one of his legs

"He has a strong firewall, what a great challenge this is gonna be," she said

"Give me 10 minutes, if you continue to distract him, but if not this is going to be longer," she said

"You know that's difficult right?" John said

"His firewall is amazing, I mean I'm hacking one of the best minds in the world, do you know how hard this is going to be?" she said

"It doesn't matter, just hack Felicity, we will try to distract him," Kara said

"Yes ma'am,"

The fight was really tough, and even tougher since now Lex every time Killer Frost uses her powers Lex melts the ice in one second, and the shield started to regenerate, the heroes didn't know how to stop that robot, and it was going to be difficult for Felicity to hack that machine if they don't do something fast.

"Alex, Kara, and John, I need you to distract Lex, so Canary and Frost can break the shield,"

"How does it feel Supergirl? To not have powers? To be human?" he said laughing

"I'm going to destroy that mechanic and human ass," Kara said now shooting some arrow while John and Alex shot to the robot's head

"Barry when Frost shoots her ice, you Canary and I, are going to shoot that leg, making it vulnerable," he said

"Cisco, Rene, are the people safe?" he asked

"We're almost done," Rene said

"Yeah, almost all the citizens are ten-block away from this place," Cisco said

"Great, Speedy, Alex, Diggle, when I say now you move so Frost can use her powers okay?"

"We'll talk about you calling me Speedy later, but yeah," Kara said shooting once again,

"Felicity how much time do you need now?" he asked dodging some of the hits of Lex

"I don't know, like eight minutes?" she said

"Say to your girlfriend Mr. Queen, that eight minutes are not enough to destroy my firewall," Lex said

"Oh you mess with the wrong girl," she said now fixing her hair

"Why did you do this?" Kara said shooting more arrows,

"I don't know, for fun?" he said laughing

"How did you make this?" Barry said shooting alongside Kara

"I have my tricks Flash,"

"Well, this ends now!" Oliver said shooting a smoke arrow then she looks to Frost who understood that to make the move, running to the legs she used all her power to ice them even breaking the shield, but using all her power make her fall to unconscious

"Cisco breach Frost out of there!" Barry said yelling as Cisco breach to where Frost was now taking her out of the war zone

"Now Dinah!" Oliver said, with all her might Dinah screamed, making even people from fifteen blocks away hear that

"Lex Luthor, you have failed this city!" said Oliver shooting the arrow with his friend Barry

Making contact with the leg the two arrows made a short circuit, thanks to that the firewalls of the machine started to go down, making Felicity use that as an advantage, typing as fast as she could she broke down one part of the firewall

"I'm almost done!" she yelled

"No, you're not!" Lex yelled making every technology of the arrow cave make a short circuit

"Oli-" Felicity started to say but the comms failed

"Felicity? Felicity!" Oliver yelled

"Oh, forget about communicating with your base for a while, it's out of order," Lex said, everyone looks at the robot, and sadly for the heroes, it looked like a new robot

"Who?" Kara said

"I already told you Supergirl, no human can destroy this machine! It was made for Kryptonians!" he yelled now hitting the floor, making a mini earthquake

"What do we do now?" Rene asked

"Nothing!" Lex yelled

"Because you're all dead!" he finished

"No!" Kara yelled shooting until she ran out of arrows, Lex laughs, he throws up the air Kara and Diggle who was beside her up almost 32 feet

"Diggle!" Oliver yelled

"Kara!" Barry yelled

"No!" Alex said about to go splat, Kara accept her fate and just closed her eyes

"I'm sorry Barry and Alex, and Barry... I lo-" she was saying until someone out of nowhere grabbed Diggle and Kara taking her down, and fall to the ground, she looks to the person who saved her smiling, she said silently

"Clark," and Superman look at her

"Hi Thea," he said, then look at Lex

"Guess you weren't expecting this?" he said smiling

"No! You're not going to stop me!" he said aiming at him, while Superman just crossed his arms

"I'm going to... But I'm going to let her do the job," he said pointing at something in the sky. Lex turned just one second to where he pointed, and it was met by a fist on the robot's

machine. Making dust all over the place, no one could see who was the person that hit Lex's robot, but they knew who she is, as the dust passes by, Kara and Barry's jaw fall

"Thea?" Kara asked looking to Thea on her super suit grabbing Lex Luthor from the suit

"Someone asked for a little help?" she asked in a serious tone looking to all the heroes

"What's up, guys?" Supergirl asked smiling a bit

"Th-Thea?" Kara asked

"Are you talking to yourself Speedy?" she asked

"Supergirl, we need to talk, there is... a problem," Oliver said making her even more serious machine. Making dust all over the place, no one could see who was the person that hit Lex's robot, but they knew who she is, as the dust passes by, Kara and Barry's jaw fall

AN: I hope you like this cliffhanger! And see you tomorrow!

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