Chapter 3

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After some discussions on the way back to the arrow cave, the heroes finally arrived, and a confused Team Arrow was waiting for them.

"Why did the magician tell you Flash and you Supergirl?" Felicity said when the doors of the elevator opened and both heroes sighed

"Because we already told you guys, we are Barry and Kara," Barry said annoyed since no one believed them

"And now with that magician saying we are The Flash and Supergirl, do you believe us?" Kara add

"That's why you acted so weird in the morning?" Dinah asked

"And so do you?" Diggle add

"Yes!" They said at the same time

"So... You are not married?" Rene asked making the two heroes tense

"I-uh we are married here but on our earth or timeline, or whatever this is we are friends..." Kara said

"Superfriends!" Barry add

"Are you sure about that? You two were arguing like a married couple on the comms," Felicity said making the "married couple" blush not knowing what to say while Oliver silently laughed

"E-Enough of that! We need to know who made this, the only thing Abra Kadabra said was one of us has already encountered him," Barry said

"Which is why we need to see every villain we fought, and that is going to be a long list," Kara said

"I have some of the villains Oliver had fought throughout the years, but from Ba- I mean from both of you I don't," Felicity said

"Well, I can go to the DEO and check if they had the names of some of my villains," Kara said

"And I can check STAR Labs and see the names," Barry said

"Don't worry, you go, with Kara to National City and I go to STAR with Diggle," Oliver said

"Uhh... I want to see my-" he was going to say something when Oliver glared at him

"Okay, I guess I will go with you..." he said now looking to Kara who was as confused as him

"We see each other back here in 5 hours take your suits and go, tell us when you are coming back," Oliver said and everyone nod and walks to their respective places

Minutes later the "married couple" was now changed to normal clothes and they were turning on the motorcycle, both of them were silent, the silence was a little tense, so Barry before jumping to the bike asked Kara

"Hey, are you okay?" which Kara sighed

"I-I don't know... First, I wake up and I'm not me I'm someone I'm not supposed to be, second, my family might not even know me for them I'm just another vigilante, Alex might even not recognize me, and then..." she started

"And then what?"

"I'm married to you..." she said looking to the floor

"Which is bad because..." he said

"I... I don't know, it's just weird you know? Before this little problem, we were friends... superfriends, and from one day to another we are now married," she said taking her glove and showing the ring

"Hey..." he said grabbing her hands

"We are in this together, we will find a way to get back to our normal lives, that they have nothing normal..." he said making Kara smile

"See you look better smiling, don't worry about your family, they will understand, and they will know you really are Kara Danvers," as he finishes the two of them stare at each other for a long minute, which they didn't know it was a minute until Oliver talked to them from the comms

"Guys, we already left the Arrow Cave, have you left?" he asked making them come back to the problem

"We are about to, we just had to change again," he said

"To your vigilante suits?" he asked

"No! Kara wanted to change..." he said while Kara look at him

"You know it's really difficult to take that suit you know?" she said

"I have been using those suit from a while, and I don't complain," he said

"Yeah? Well, I used that suit one time,"

"Look it doesn't matter, talk to use when you arrive at the DEO," he said

"Yeah, good luck,"

"Good luck to you too," Oliver said now turning off the comms,

"They were staring at each other," Diggle said from their private comms

"Yeah... they were so cute looking and talking to each other," Felicity add

"It doesn't matter, Felicity if anything happens at Star, send Rene, Dinah, and Curtis, and tell me if there is a bigger problem," he said

"Yeah, I know, see you in a few hours," he said now closing comms with Felicity

One Big Belly Burger and five stops from the bike turning off the duo finally arrived at the destiny... the DEO, Kara looking at the building she started to be preoccupied... How are Alex and her team going to know they have two Supergirls? Are they going to believe her? Many questions got into her mind, and Barry saw that.

"Hey," he said grabbing her face so she could look at him, and when she saw him, he talks

"I'm here with you, we are going to get out of this, and your family and your team are going to be with you again, trust me," he said making her stare into that green eyes

"And since on this earth you are my "wife" I'm going to be with you, you understand?" he said making Speedy smile

"Yes... Thank you, Barry," she said now hugging him, they stayed like that for a long time, until someone talks to them

"You two are so cute," she said, making the heroes look to the person who said that, not forgetting about their cheeks getting red,

"A-Alex?" she said

"Sup Thea? How are you? Are you looking for someone?" she said, Kara wanted to answer, but the words couldn't come out of her mouth, and Barry knew that, so he decided to answer

"Uh, yeah, we are looking for some files, about the villain's Supergirl fought," he said

"Uh, I was about to go, but if you need them, I can go back," she said, and Kara slightly nodded

"Okay, come on, let's enter, maybe you can say hi to Winn and J'onn," she said entering the building while the two heroes walk behind her

"You can do it, I'm with you if you need anything," he said now grabbing her hand. Kara just inhales and exhales before entering the DEO, grabbing Barry's hand, as she enters the building, she starts to remember every fight she had with either aliens or humans, this is the place where she is used to working, and she loved it. And she misses it a lot...

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