Chapter 12

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"Mxy! Look what you've done! You're happy! Another couple has died thanks to your stupidity!" Supergirl said looking to Kara holding Barry's dead body

"No..." he said

"I can stop this!" He said and then he snapped his fingers, but nothing happened

"What's happening? Why can't I do anything! What are you doing stupid writer! Why can't everything go back to normal?" he said

"You wanted to be the hero? Well here you have it Mxy," she said

"You ruined this..." she said now flying behind her doppelganger

"What are you doing? Why can't I use my powers?! What did you do?" he said

"Please, please Barry wake up! Cisco! Caitlin! Do something!" she said

"I'm sorry Kara, we can't... It's too late," Caitlin said

"No..." she muttered

"I'm sorry Kara," Supergirl said hugging her

"Why? After this thing I was supposed to be with him," she said crying

"I'm sorry..." Alex said now hugging her, they all started to get up, but Kara was still watching the dead body of the Barry

"No... please, Barry, wake up, I need you, it doesn't matter if I'm Thea Queen or Kara Danvers, I just want to be with you, forever..." she said. Everyone just saw how Kara was with Barry,

"C'mon Kara we need to take him," Cisco said

"No!" she said crying

"Please wake up Barry," she said kissing him another time, but still nothing happened

"What are you doing? Are you really going to kill one of your favorite characters and the half of your favorite ship?" he said looking to the sky trying to do something, but he just couldn't

"Kara..." Alex said

"No... please let me stay with him, let me stay with him..." everyone started to go, except Supergirl

"Hey, I'm with you, don't worry," Supergirl said

"I should've said everything earlier, I should've heard you..." she said hugging Barry

"You told him, your feelings, and he went happily knowing you loved him..." she said

"Kara..." she started to hear, making Kara look at Barry

"Please don't leave..." Barry said still closing his eyes

"Barry?" she asked, now crying even more

"He is alive?" Supergirl said

"Yeah..." he barely said

"We need to get you help, Cisco he's alive! We need help!" she started to yell

"You son of a bitch, you almost made me feel bad... Now can I help?" he said trying to use his powers, but they still didn't work

"C'mon! Are you really going to take my powers?" he said

"Killer Frost I need you to freeze some of his wounds," he said running beside his friend

"This is going to hurt buddy," Killer Frost said

"Hey! Wake up! Don't Close your eyes! Stay with me..." Kara said

"We need the medbay!" Cisco said now opening a breach

"Kara take him, but not so fast," Supergirl nodded and took him

"I'll go with you..." Kara said

"Do you really want me to go with them?" Mxy said, and then sighed

"Fine," flying to the breach before it closes

Two hours later, Caitlin and Alex got out of the medbay, with great news

"He's fine, a few more punches and that miracle could not have happened," Alex said

"Thank Rao," Both Kara's said

"You can go now Kara," Caitlin said, and not thinking twice she entered, where Barry was waiting for her

"Hey, Ms. Speedy," he said

"Hey, Mr. Arsenal," she said

"How are you?" he asked

"I should be the one asking that question," she said, with a smile

"I'm fine..." he said smiling, then there was a long silence, then both of them said

"Can we talk about what happened?" they laugh and said


"Barry, I meant to say all the things, I... I love you, and I have had this feeling for a long time, I just... I didn't have the courage to tell you," she said

"I love you too, and I want to be with you, forever," he said

"So do I," she said smiling, and both of them lean, and they kissed a really passionate one

"Awwww, that's so cute, don't you guys think?" Mxy said entering the medbay

"What are you doing here?" They said looking at him still mad

"And how did they didn't see you?" Barry added

"Hold your horses for a while, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I just wanted to help you guys be together," He said

"We told you, you can't force a relationship," Barry said

"Yes, I now understand," he says

"We will forgive, if one, you bring back the real Thea and Roy to their family," Kara said

"Two, you take us back to our earth,"

"Yes, I will do that," he said now snapping his fingers and the Roy and Thea appeared

"Now I have my powers! Thank you!" he said

"Well, I guess we need to go," he said

"Yes, let's just say good-bye to everyone," she said, as they now stand up, then everyone reunited to the cortex, where everyone was waiting for them

"Thank you guys, for everything, sometimes, we will come by and say hi," Kara said

"Don't worry, we're always here if you guys need anything," Oliver said, then Kara and Barry walked to where Supergirl is

"I'm sure Barry is really proud of you, and he loves you so much, I know that because I feel like that with her," he said hugging her

"Thank you," she said returning the hug, when they finished Mxy said

"If you need anything we are on earth-1," Kara said now hugging her doppelganger

"Breach to reality is leaving in one minute!"

"We should go, we see you guys soon," Barry said and they both entered the breach while everyone said goodbye, when they entered there was just darkness

AN: I decided to add the epilogue on the next chapter

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