Chapter 2

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"What?!" Barry said once again, now grabbing Kara's hand and admiring the ring

"We are a husband and wife?" She said looking at the ring

"What's going on?"

"I-I don't know..." Kara then look at Oliver and Felicity

"I'm going to take my husband to... that door, I need to talk to him," she said grabbing Barry

"Prepare the things," Oliver said

"Roger that,"

When they arrived at a private place Kara and Barry started to pace around not knowing what to say or do, until finally, Kara started

"So I'm your wife?" She said

"And I'm your husband?"

"Ho-how did this happen?"

"I don't know... we need to find out who did this,"

"Yeah, right now we need to tell Oliver, just him,"

"He wouldn't believe us, look right now, they think we are crazy," he said

"We need to convince him,"


"We need to tell him, our stories, everything..." while Barry was telling this Kara started to stare at him, thanks to this she and he are a... couple? When she stared at him she felt different, does staying here make her fall in love with him? Or did she have feelings from before?

"ara? Kara!" Barry yelled making her go back to earth

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah," she said

"Okay so we talk to Oliver and we tell him we are Barry and Kara..."

"Let's just hope he believes us..."

"Let's hope... Let's go" he said

Kara and Barry went back to the main room and Oliver and Felicity were now talking.

"Ollie- I mean Oliver, can you come please?" Barry said, making him look weird at him

"Please Oliv- sorry Ollie, it's important," Kara now said making the Arrow sighed

"Fine," he said going with her sister and his sidekick

"What's up?" he said now on a private place

"You are still not going to believe us, but we are Barry and Kara, today we woke up and we were different people," Kara started

"Please trust us, Ollie, I have been your friend since 2013, Felicity brought me to your arrow cave to save you," he started and Oliver still look that he didn't believe them

"You didn't want me to help with the dominators, you bench me, which I'm still mad with that, but right now it doesn't matter,"

"I might start to believe you, but I still need proves," he said

"You shot me in the back the first time we teamed up! Even if I'm Roy on this earth or timeline it still hurts!"

"Okay maybe you are Barry and Kara, but how? The Kara Danvers I know is on another planet helping her cousin on some weird stuff and the Barry Allen I know is... dead," he said

"That's the problem, we don't know! It's like someone brought us here," she said

"We need to find out, and fast, because this," he said pointing to the two of them

"Is weird,"

"We need to find someone who can tell us what is happening and fast,"

"Yeah, but who?"

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