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Kara started to feel an arm beside her, waking up she turns around to see Barry hugging her and naked, then she sees herself now watching she is also naked, she starts to blush, but she smiles, she might not remember the part where she made the nasty, but she's happy, she and Barry are finally something.

She stands up and walks to the kitchen where she starts to walk still naked, she grabs a glass of water, drinking some water, someone starts to hug her from the back

"Hey sexy," Barry says kissing her


"I guess Mxyzptlk left us like this,"  he said

"I guess he did," she says

"But I didn't remember having sex with you..." she said now turning to him

"Neither do I, maybe you will remember this one," he says kissing her passionately as Kara does the same and now grabbing her, and taking her to the couch, they continued their kiss, but then someone opened the door

"Hey Kara, I bro-" Alex says now looking at them

"Alex!" They both yelled, and she covered her eyes letting fall the box of doughnuts she brought

"Kara! Barry! I will never forget this!" she says as the heroes, changed at superspeed

"I guess your doppelganger asked for this since she always wanted me and Barry to be together,"

"What?!" she said still covering her eyes

"You will not understand," she says as Barry laugh with her

"God, I will never forget this... I'll see you guys later," she says running away, and the two of them started to kiss

"Well she left the donuts," she said grabbing the box

"More for us!" Barry said, and they walked to the couch

"We will eat this, and we will continue what we were doing Mr. Arsenal," she says

"Whatever you say, Ms. Speedy," he says laughing and eating another donut

"Hey," he says making Kara look at him

"I love you," he says, and Kara kissed him

"I love you too," she says happily

"That kiss tastes like strawberry," he says and both of them laugh, while Alex still tried to get that image out of her mind

AN: It's not a long epilogue but I wanted to add this, since Alex wanted to see this, and I wanted to add the end of this story! Thank you for reading this, tomorrow I will add a one-shot for Melissa birthday (It was supposed to be published on Kara's birthday, but the bad news got me down) and that one-shot is going to close up this story! Once again thank you, and soon, really soon Destiny is going to arrive!

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