Chapter 11

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"Okay we might have something," Alex said

"What's that?" Barry said trying to hit Reverse Flash

"Last time I made Mxy turn everything to normal by letting him write his name backward on Kryptonian,"

"You want to do the same? Don't you think he now knows his name on Kryptonian?" Oliver asked

"Maybe, but how about we shot with some lights to the air on his name backward?"

"I don't know... It could be a great idea if right now it's almost night,"

"And we don't have neither the time nor the energies to stay till night,"

"We need something to get him to let us go," Barry said

"How about we first defeat these guys, so we can have a better idea!" Rene said

"Okay go and try that, while we try and defeat these guys," Supergirl said hitting Lex

"Okay," Kara and Alex said, as everyone continued the fights, Supergirl hit once again Lex knocking him out, as he falls, he starts to disappear

"Guys, if we defeat these guys, they vanish!" she said now flying to get Deathstroke

"Okay let's get them and then we do the plan," Vibe said

As the fights continue, Mxy starts to preoccupy

"Oh no... what's going on?!" He yelled

"What's going on Mxy is that you need to finish this," Superman said

"Why? So I can continue to do nothing in the fifth dimension?" He said

"Please Mxy, you can finish this, and you can be a hero... and-" he said, but then Reign flew and tackle Superman

"Sorry I couldn't hear the last part!" He said laughing

"Supergirl, I need your help!" Superman said

"Oka-" supergirl was going to fly when zoom stopped her

"Not so fast,"

"How is your life without your precious Barry?"

"Don't ever tell his name again," she said getting mad

"Why? Are you going to kill me? Last time I checked you don't kill,"

"I can do exceptions," she said now using her heat vision and he dodges the hits

"Killer Frost, I need you to help to stop this guy!" Supergirl said

"What do you want me to do?" She said running to where they fighting

"Shoot your ice on the floor, making him fall,"

"Okay," she said as she was told, Zoom was now concentrated on the floor, not trying to fall, what he didn't expect was supergirl in front of him with her fist in front, hitting him as hard as she could. Before Zoom was going to meet the floor he vanished

"I told you... I have exceptions," she said looking to where Zoom was

"Go and help Oliver with Prometheus, I'll go with Reign," she said flying away, the problem was that Barry and Dinah didn't have the same luck Supergirl has, since now Dinah was knocked out and Barry ran out of ammo

"So I heard you and Speedy have not told the three words," he said mocking him

"What do you care about?"

"Oh Barry, do you really thought Iris was going to be the one and now you're scared since you failed with her, that she also might not be the one," he said laughing

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