Chapter 5

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"Thea, why did you call him Barry?" Alex asked one more time

"I... I..." she sighed and took the courage to say it

"There is something I need to tell you, but you're not going to believe me..." she said

"Come on, I can believe anything, I mean Kara is an alien, and I'm working on a Department of Extranormal Operation," she said looking at her

"Can we talk about this in private?" She asked as Alex walk her to Barry's room

"Why in Bar-Roy's room?"

"He's still asleep, don't worry, he will wake up in two hours, so what's up with that?" she said making her sister from another place sigh

"I'm Kara Danvers and he is Barry Allen," she said pointing to the unconscious hero, seconds later Alex started to laugh

"No, seriously, what's wrong?" she said looking to a serious Kara

"Wait... are you serious?"

"Yes, Alex! That's why we are here, one of the villains I fought made this, or one of the villains of Barry, even Oliver!" she said

"H-How? My sister the Kara Danvers I know it's away-"

"Yeah, I know fighting aliens on another planet... But you have to believe me, I'm Kara Danvers, your little sister, the one you hate at first, the one that helps you every time a guy dumped you, even when Maggie dumped you... I'm that sister," she said with tears in her eyes

"I-I but my sister is in another place, why do I have two sisters?" she said

"I don't know! And if in two days I don't find that guy, I will be Speedy forever!" she said, then there was a tense silence

"I... I will help you, I feel it, I feel you're my sister, even though my "real" sister is not here," she said taking the tears from Kara away

"Thank you Alex..." she said hugging her, after breaking the hug Alex asked

"So, even on another person you're still dating Barry huh?" she said joking, making her sister blush

"Actually, in my reality we... we are not dating..." she said

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, she was dating Iris, but it didn't work, he is single,"

"Well, you should use that as a chance to date with him,"

"Alex! He's sleeping next to us," she said getting redder

"What? in this reality you and him are soulmates, the looks you made before going to the bank, are the looks MY Kara made before MY Barry vanished,"

"Well, I might like him, but I don't know... I don't know if Barry likes me..."

"Well, I guess you will find out with this weird adventure, and hey..." she said now grabbing her shoulder

"Maybe you two finish dating, or even married, I mean, you guys are now married, even if you're Thea and Roy, you guys skipped a step," she said laughing


"Okay it was funny, but try and tell him your emotions, you guys are trapped here, for now, and I think he is the only one you trust and you are the only one he trusts,"

"Yeah... I guess..."

"Well I'm going to check on Winn, see if he already has the list, you can stay with him... And maybe hold his hand," she finished running away

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