chapter 8- Bedrest (but with Spencer lmao)

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your pov:

"Do you need help upstairs?" Spencer asks looking down at his shoes.
"Nah, I know how to walk." I say. But I contradict that statement when I take a step toward the stairs and almost fall. "Apparently I don't." I giggle. I guess I'm doped up on pain meds because I continue to laugh as Spencer walks behind me up the stairs to make sure I don't fall.
He holds my arm lightly, guiding me to my bed. I sit down at the side of my bed with a sigh. I look up at him and I probably look like a puppy. "I need to shower."
"Can't you wait until tonight? Just rest a little bit, okay?" He says in a soft voice.
"Okay," I sigh again. My body can't keep my torso up any longer, so I plopped down onto my back and start laughing again.
Spencer just looks at me in shock. "I'm assuming this is how you cope."
"What?" I say, my laugh finally calming down. Gosh, I'm an idiot.
"Nothing, just get some sleep." He says in his cute Spencer voice. I guess every time he talks it's his Spencer voice. With that thought, I pass out into an unconscious state.
I wake up from a dream full of pain. The worst part is, this pain was real. I saw blurred images of Harry Reynold's face as I took my shot, and Ramone Cortez stabbing me in the stomach telling me I deserved it for taking a life. Unconscious me doesn't realize that Cortez hurt women and children and had no place telling me what I deserved.
The sun is setting when I wake up. The orange and pink glow of the sky bleeds into my room from the window to the left of my bed.
I walk to the bathroom to clean up a little before heading back downstairs. I take my steps slowly. I feel the throbbing pain in my abdomen. The pain medicine must've worn off.
I see Spencer on my couch reading a book at a fast pace. I've always been sort of jealous that he could rest so much faster than I can.
"Poe has always interested me," I say, and he looks up, just now noticing I'm in the room.
"I got it from your shelf, hope you don't mind," he says.
"Not at all."
"I would've taken you as a Romeo and Juliet kind of girl."
"Well genius profiler, you'd be wrong. I actually can't stand Romeo and Juliet."
"Humor me."
"Kids kill themselves 'in the name of love'. What do they know about love they'd just met." I remark.
He laughs a bit. "I've always liked Poe as well."
He sets down The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe. "I guess we just like mysteries, huh?"
"You could say that," he says with a chuckle. "How are you feeling?"
"Is there anything I can do?" he asks generously.
"No i'm okay. Are you hungry?"
"Not really."
"C'mon Spence don't lie to me," I smile.
"I'm a little hungry, but I can order something."
"I could make you something?" I offer.
"You're the one injured, I should be helping you."
"But technically you're a guest, so I'm in charge." I remark. "It checks out."
He smiles before I head to the kitchen and grab a pot. "Do you like spaghetti? That's pretty much all I have right now."
"I'll eat anything, really."
I turn the stove on and grab the box of noodles. When I go to grab a big spoon, I knock over the box of noodles. "Shit." I say. Thank God they didn't spill.
Spencer shoots up from the couch. "Here I'll get it."
"Thanks." I smile, a little embarrassed.
"I'll help. What else do you need?"
"Can you get the sauce out of the cabinet?"
"Here," he sets the spaghetti sauce on the counter.
"Thanks... again."
I stir the noodles as they cook and get ready to strain the water out. I struggle to pick up the pot and curse at myself for being weak. Spencer strains the noodles for me and I pour the sauce in and stir.
I turn to grab him a plate and my face ends up contacting with his chest.
"S-sorry Y/n."
"It's okay," I laugh a bit.
I plop some spaghetti into a plate and grab him a fork.
"Water, tea, juice?" I ask.
"Water's fine," he answers.
I set the glass of water down at a seat at my small kitchen table. Spencer sits down at one side of the square table, and I sit next to him on another side.
I try not to watch him eat because that's like super weird and creepy. I get on my phone which battery is dying since I haven't charged it in a while.
Suddenly, the smell of food overwhelms my senses. I run to the half bath in between the kitchen and the stairs (it's just a toilet and a sink) and throw up practically nothing. It burns my throat and my stomach throbs in pain as I hold it.
"Y/n?" Spencer jogs to me and rushes to hold my hair back.
"I'm done. I think," I say wiping my mouth with some toilet paper, and flush.
After cleaning myself up, Spencer leads me to the couch. I sit down with my legs crossed and my hands in my lap. "I'm sorry you had to see that."
"Don't be sorry," he says.
"Did you sleep?" I ask.
He just shakes his head. I give him a slight frown. We sit in silence for a moment until I break the silence with a thought I've been holding in. "Do you think I'm being punished?"
"Yeah. Like being stabbed was punishment for killing Harry," saying his name makes my stomach churn even more. My voice is raspy and my throat burns.
"Y/n," Spencer looks in my eyes with worry. "No, I think you did your job and then a criminal stabbed you because he was angry he got caught."
"Okay. It's just I had this dr... never mind."
Spencer grabs my hand and squeezes it for reassurance. Neither of us pull our hands away, until he says. "Maybe you should go back to sleep?"
"I'm not tired. You?"
He shakes his head. He looks tired, but I don't have the energy to argue with him.
"Spencer?" I say, nothing he's staring off into space.
"Hm?" he says, turning his attention back to me.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Nothing," he brushes it off.
"I don't think you are ever thinking about nothing."
We talk for a bit about random things like work and first impressions.
"So what was your first impression of me?" He asks awkwardly playing with his fingers.
"I thought you were socially awkward," I start and he furrows his eyebrows. "But in like a comforting way. And I could tell by the way you talked you were smart. I didn't need anyone to tell me you were a genius, or that you were considered the "pretty boy"." I say that last part with a bit of embarrassment.
His face turns pink and I ask him what his first thoughts of me were.
"I thought you were pretty young to be accepted into the BAU, which was impressive. I also noticed how hard you wanted to fit in with everyone. How you always had something to say, but didn't always say it. I noticed how you talked to everyone with respect and compassion. And it's hard to miss how pretty you are."
I raise my eyebrows, looking at my hands, and it's my turn to blush. "Wow, thank you Spencer."
He doesn't look me in the eyes for a moment. Then he says something that takes me aback. "Can I kiss you?"
"What?" I ask, not sure I heard him right.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that you literally just got stabbed and the whole thing with your boyfriend, and I'm... I'm sorry."
I just look at him with my lips parted in shock for a bit. Did he actually want to kiss me?
"I don't have a boyfriend anymore," is all I can choke out.
"Oh," he finally looks me in the eyes for a second. "Why were you with him... if you don't mind me asking?"
"He was the first guy that actually paid attention to me other than in high school. He thought I was cute, and he was that guy my mom didn't approve of and I just wanted... ya know. And when I joined the BAU I was super nervous and didn't think you guys actually needed me, so I wanted someone to just be there. Someone to talk to." I explain.
"We definitely need you. I'm sorry you felt that-"
"You can kiss me now," I cut him off.
He looks taken aback and I smile at that. Then, he slowly cups my cheeks with both of his hands and presses his lips softly to mine. He's gentle.
"You should get some sleep," he whispers, pulling away.
"So should you," I say sternly, but I can't help smiling. "I can stay in here with you."
He doesn't protest, just curls up on the other side of the L shaped couch. I throw a blanket on him after he's asleep. I lay down on the opposite side of him with my own blanket.
Spencer actually just kissed me.

thank you for reading!! 1584 words:)

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