chapter 24- For The First Time

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TW: explosives

Spencer's pov:

August 8- 196 days since Y/n left

It's been over 6 months since she left for Indiana. I haven't been able to talk to her, and I've been annoying Hotch every other day asking for any updates. He can't tell me much, but he always assures me she's okay.
Every night, I lie in bed, wishing I could hold her. Wishing that I could know for sure that she's alright, that she's safe. For a while, I thought I f*cked it up by asking her to marry me, but Emily assured me I didn't. Prentiss is the only one who knows.
We work case after case, and I bury myself into my job. Anything to distract from the fact that the girl I love is away and could be in danger.

"You've been here all day, go home," Hotch tells me around twelve am.
"I'm working. I'm close to cracking this, I can feel it."
"It'll still be here in the morning, go home."
I sigh but oblige. I throw my satchel around my shoulder and head to my car.

The worst part about this whole thing is that I can't even know what's going on. I can't know if she's close to busting them completely, I can't know if Y/n is calling for backup. We're not even allowed to go for backup. If she calls, Hotch and swat go, not us.
I keep her phone in my bag, occasionally calling it just to hear her voice, even if it's just 24 words.

"You've reached Agent Y/n Y/l/n. Sorry I can't come to the phone right now, probably out doing awesome FBI stuff. Leave me a message!"
I chuckle at her voicemail, and a tear I didn't even know came from my eye falls onto my phone. It feels so good to hear her voice after two months of longing for it.
I go into her office before the rest of the team arrives. There's a picture of her and her family on her desk beside a picture of me and her that I didn't even know she took. I sit down at her desk and pick up the picture of us. Tears swell in my eyes again, I don't even bother to push them back. I wouldn't be as sad if it were a guarantee for her to return to us. But with cases like that, nothing is a guarantee. I run my thumb along the frame, staring into her beautiful green eyes that I miss so much.
I set down the picture and notice how neat her desk is. The pictures are next to her computer. Normally there would be a neat stack of files, but it's been bare since she left. A wall shelf behind her desk holds a few books and a picture of her father. Her transfer acceptance letter hangs beside the shelf.
I open the first drawer of her desk. She has some pens, pencils, some hair ties, a notebook, and her phone in there.
I take out her phone, looking at her screensaver. It's a picture of her and her niece, Zoey. I unlock her phone to see a picture of the whole team as her home screen. She's standing in between me and Morgan. She looks so young and unsure, this was one of her first weeks with us.
I scroll through a few pictures on her phone. There's a lot of us that I didn't want to take, but she forced me into it. There's some of her and JJ and Garcia, and Emily at a bar. I see some pictures of her family. There's barely any pictures of just her, mostly of important moments. Graduation, college graduation, some of her first day at the precinct, and there's one of her on her first day at the BAU, holding up her badge. I smile. She looks so excited. I thank God for Y/n getting the job here.
I turn her phone off and slip it in my satchel.

Hotch comes rushing out of his office with a serious face.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Y/n. We got to get her out of there."
     I follow Hotch to the elevator, matching his fast pace.
     "Reid you can't-"
     "She's my girlfriend, I'm coming with you."
     He nods, sighing. We head to the jet. He calls SWAT and Agent Miles's supervisor to meet us in Indiana.
     "What happened?" I ask Hotch.
     "They're planning on bombing a university. Someone crossed the leader, and they wanted their son to pay. But I wouldn't see them taking out hundreds of thousands of innocent students. Y/n hit the mayday button to alert Miles. He called me immediately."
     My heart rate goes up.

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