chapter 22- Home (part 2)

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TW: mention of drugs

     I open door and my face is lit up with shock and relief. "Marry Christmas, Y/n."
     I run to him immediately. Wrapping my arms around Spencer's neck, I whisper, "I was so worried."
     He pulls away to look me in the face. He uses his thumb to wipe away the tears I didn't even know I was shedding. "I know. I'm here, baby, I'm here."
     He pulls me in for another hug. As I sob into his shoulder. "I thought-"
     "I know," Spencer says softly, holding the back of my head in his palm.
     I pull away to see his hazel eyes struck with despair. He doesn't look good. This makes me even sadder. I grab his hand and lead him into my childhood home.
     He looks around before seeing my family at the dinner table, he gives them a little wave.
     "Spencer, darling," my mother rises from her seat. "Are you okay?" She gives him a hug, and he returns it.
     "I'm okay," Spencer says softly.
     I introduce him to my brother's and their partners. Zoey hugs his legs, and he smiles down at her while introducing himself. My brother's are gentle with their handshakes and pleasantries, but I know if he hadn't had just gone through what he did, they would've been more older brotherly.
     "Do you need something to eat?"
     "No thank you. I honestly just want to sleep," Spencer says.
     "You can sleep in my room," I tell him and begin to lead him, keeping my hand on his back in front of me.
     Zoey runs up to me for a second and says "He's cute."
     "I know," I whisper back before returning to Spencer. We reach my room and he takes his shoes and jacket off before sitting on my bed. I put his jacket on my desk chair.
     "Not right, Y/n. I just need some sleep."
     I nod my head, only sort of understanding how exhausted he must be. I sit next to him, resting my head on the wall and my back on my headboard. I pull the covers over us as he scoots closer to me, resting his head in between my neck and chest.
     Lacing my fingers with his, I ask him if he's okay.
     "I'm okay," Spencer says, his voice drowsy. I see his eyes close. Spencer's face is bruised and sad. I hear his breathing slow as he drifts off to sleep.

     A few hours pass, and my mom slowly opens my bedroom door. "How's he doing?"
     "He's just been sleeping," I whisper back. She nods her head and sets down a glass of water before leaving.

     All of the sudden, Spencer starts kicking and yelling. I try to hold his arm to let him know it's me, but he punches me away.
    "Hey! It's just me, Spence." He opens his eyes, his breathing heavy.
     "I'm so sorry," he says. "Did I hurt you?"
     "It's okay," I touch his hand, but he pulls away. "Come here." I hold my arms out to him, and he accepts the gesture. He lays against my stomach with his head on my upper abdomen. Spencer's arms are wrapped around my torso as we lay down.
     "I'm so sorry," he says into me.
     "It's okay. baby. It's okay." I stroke his wavy hair and kiss him on the head. My breathing slows down and so does my heartbeat. He scared me, not because he hurt me, but because he's in pain.

"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I didn't want you to worry too much."
"Of course I'm going to worry. It's in my job description."
"As a BAU agent?"
"As your girlfriend," I say, laying down next to him.
"I know," he presses his lips to mine softly.
"Please talk to me next time you're going through something."
"I will."


I wake up to Spencer crying on my stomach. "Hey, hey," I move is face up to look at me. Tears stream down his face. "Please tell me what happened. I want to help you, Spence."
He unwraps his arms from around me, and gets up to sit next to me instead. Spencer fiddles with his hands. He inhaled. "He didn't exactly hurt me. Well he did, but it really just reminded me of the first time. The dilaudid. The whole time I was there I wanted to feel that calm again. The feeling of not feeling." Another breath. "But then I thought of you. The way you make me feel was good enough to keep me going. I love you, Y/n."
     "I love you too. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Spence."
     "Please don't leave me."
     "I would never." I lace our hands together. "Do you want to go home tomorrow?"
     "Yes." He squeezes my hand.
     "DC or home home?"
     "I want you meet my mom."
     I smile. "Okay."
      I'm nervous for him to go back to the place he got kidnapped, but I want to meet Diana, and he needs to see her again.

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